Adoption of Love (NARRY)

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I wake up to my phone buzzing. On my screen there's a message from Louis. 'Hey Haz, you ready to meet your new brother? I know I am. ;-) ) XX LOU. SHIT! I totally forgot about that! Uggh. My mom thought it would be nice to adopt some kid from the local orphanage. I feel that she's doing it so when I leave for Uni she won't be an empty nester, but she says other wise. She even chose a boy so that we could have a 'brotherly bond'

It kinda shocks me how determined she is. She spent a year filling out papers then another year writing little letters to the little twerp. I text Lou a reply.

'Just shoot me now ' -XXHaz

He instantly gets back to me.
'Oh c'mon Harry. It won't be that bad. I bet he's even kinda cute.'- XXLOU

Louis is gay and there are times when he just flaunts it. But I must say he isn't wrong about my new sibling. I've seen pictures of him when he was around 14, but He's 16 now and I haven't seen any recent pics. I have to admit the kid is attractive. He's pale with the bluest eyes. He just looks like an angel. All innocent and shit. I don't reply to Louis and put the phone down.

"Harry! It's time to go, come on!" My mom yells from down stairs.

I grunt back and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I pull on black skinnies that were on the floor and a vneck that was by it.

I walk downstairs and am greeted by my mum. "You ready hun?" She asks. "Do I have to go mom?" I whine.

She sighs. "Yes dear you do. You're his new brother and he might want to meet you finally."

"B..but mo..." she cuts me off. "But nothing, you are coming and that's that. Also, you will be nice Harry. You're 18, but sometimes you act like a ten year-old." She takes a deep breath. "Now let's go, don't want to be latw and make him think we forgot." I head in front of her towards the door.

" I wish you would forget" I mumble and receive a whack to the back of my head by her. "Owch!" She glares at me.

"Be nice" she goes to the car and I follow. Once in the car we head to the orphanage. I put on my headphones and listen to music as I look out the window. There's a small part of me (a very small part of me) that wants to get to know him and be his friend and wished that I listen to the stories mum always told about him. Then the other part of me just wants to ignore him untill I leave for school.

They're at war and right now I think ignoring him will be easier. In fifteen minutes we reach the orphanage. Mum turns off the engine and looks at me.

"Please be nice Harry. Niall's a little shy and I don't need you scaring him off." Niall? That's the first time I have heard his name. Well maybe mum has said it but I wasn't listening, as usual.

I nod and get out of the car. Mum leads me inside and we walk into an office. "Oh, hello Ms. Styles. You're here right on time! " the lady at the front desk says. She seems a little shocked. I guess some people never show up for their kid. "Yep! I'm really excited about this" my mother replies. "This must be your son Harry" my mum nods. "Well Niall will be happy to have another person around his age to talk with, I'll go get him" mum nods again as the lady leaves.

I play with a hang nail and wait.

"Here he is. Niall meet your new family." I look up as the woman reappears. OHMYGOD! Is the only thing I can process as a blonde boy smiles shyly and rather adorably, at my mum and I. He has definitely grown over two years. His eyes are so exotic, so blue and his teeth have been straightened. He's still pale and still looks innocent, but he's pretty attractive. WAIT! Did I just think all that?! No Harry remember he's just a dumb kid that is just going to annoy you.

"Hello" Niall finally says in a thick Irish accent. Okay I didn't see that coming. My mum rushes over and gives him a hug then pecks his cheek. I notice that he begins to blush and it makes him so cute! NO! NO NO NO! Bad Harry!

"Oh Niall, this is Harry your new brother" mum introduces me.

"sup" I wave. "Hey" he waves back.

"Ms.Styles there is still some paperwork that needs to be signed, also we need to know what school he will be attending." the lady from the front desk says.

"Of course, Niall will be attending Hawthorne High."

Hawthorne High? Hawthorne High?! That's my school! I have a reputation (granted it's my last year, but I still have a reputation) and I don't need that kid ruining it. Anger and frustration boil in my stomach.

"He's going to my school?!" I raise my eyebrows at here.

In return she gives me a glare. "Yes and I expect you to make him feel welcome. Maybe even introduce him to Louis."

I huff out and cross my arms over my chest. The desk lady turns to Niall and I.

"you two will have to stay here while she signs the papers." she gets up from the desk.

"Fantastic! that gives you both time to talk a little" my mum says cheerfully then leaves with the other lady. Niall and I stand in silence, looking at anything and anyone but each other.

Niall shoves his hands into his pockets and bites his lip and oh how I wish I could taste thoe luscious li... WAIT, Stop yourself Harry. You can't be the player that you usually are. Niall is different, you don't know why, but you know that he isn't the same as those girls you supposedly have a "relationship" with.

Niall decides to break the silence.

"So you're my brother now" he says it as more of a statement then a question but I still answer as if it were one.

"Yep" okay Harry you're slipping, you need to let him know his place. "Listen, I'm not in need of a brother right now, so don't expect me to friendly with you."

"I understand, I'll try to stay out of the way." I try to keep the shock from his answer unseeable. This kid just keeps surprising me. I thought he was going to cry or something stupid, but no he just let me push him around.

Part of me feels guilty and wants to apologize, but the other part feels dominate and wants more power from the weakling. Since I don't agree with either part, I keep my mouth shut. My mum comes back in and claps her hands once.

"Okay boys, lets get outta here. Niall do you have all of your things?" she asks.

"Oh...umm...y..yeah" he shows us a small backpack that was on his shoulders.

"Well I think we will have a shopping spree just for you hun." my mum ruffles his hair and he blushes.
I wish he'd stop doing that! It's too cute! No! Stop it! What's wrong with you lately Styles?!

"C'mon lets go home" my mum ushers us out to the car. Instantly I pull out my Ipod snd listen to music as Niall and my mum talk. I look out the window and watch the scenery of the familiar town flutter by.

When we get home, I'm about to climb the stairs to my room, but someone stops me.

"Harry show Niall up to his room while I fix dinner" mum says from the kitchen.

"Fine" I say through gritted teeth.

we both climb the stairs and walk to the end of the hall where the last two doors are. I turn to the one on my left. I open the door and Niall gawks at the simple room. All four walls are painted blue,with two windows total. A king sized bed sits in the corner with a black nightstand next to it. A desk sits at the opposite corner. Finally there's a T.v. and closest.

Niall sits on the bed and occasionally bounces on it like a small child. He's still looking at the amazement. The orphanage must've been very low budgeted. The thought makes me realize that he isn't used to having a home and a nice

"What ya thinkin about" an Irish voice interrupts my thoughts. I shake my head and mumble a 'nuthin' and go straight for my room which is right across from Niall's. Once inside I blast the radio and lay on my bed. I should probably text Lou, but soon sleep takes over.

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