Fifteen: Armor (K)

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Somehow I was alive. The temperature continued to rise and fall leaving me shivering one moment and sweating the next. I still heard the walls closing in on me, yet I hadn't felt them squeeze the life from me.

After a few hours I realized that it was water, that kept dropping on my head and welcomed it.

My arms were tired from staying in the same position for so long and my body was aching for a long deserved sleep.

A light flickers on and I blink trying to get them adjusted. I bite my tongue to stop the scream, from coming out of my mouth. I'm not in the room I was in before. Same walls, but the door is gone and in front of me is a cage. Rusted bars keep me safe from the creature staring at me.

It's yellow eyes filled with rage, and fury glares at me through the bars.
It turns around in its prison and I see it's gleaming armor. It circles around and around showing off its blades and dagger like teeth.

Lion. Someone whispers into my mind. I shiver and it's not because of the temperature is quickly dropping back to zero.

I hear another screech and watch as two opening appear in the walls. One leads to the left and one to the right. All I could see was pitch black in either direction. I pulled against the restraints knowing I would never be able to fight like this.

Then I saw them, three shiny keys dangling from the creature neck.

That's when the gate started to rise. The rusted bars screeched and screamed as they rose to the ceiling, sending chills through my spine. Now I knew why there was blood on the walls and it smelt of death.

They were mutations, something that went terribly wrong. Wild instincts, hunger and fury that filled their mind like a poisonous gas. Teeth made of steel that could break bone. Armor worn over their broken bodies, blades covering their scars. Eyes full of pain, and brains full of revenge.

They only had one goal to hunt and then to kill anything that moved.

It slams against the bars hard, fueling my fear. The bars reach the top and the creature walks out. I back myself against the wall in slow motion, avoiding eye contact.

I stare at its claws, as it sinks them into the concrete making small holes as it approaches me.

It's tail swished back and forth and then finally found its target.

I cried out in pain as it pulls it's tail out of my chest. I struggled against the restraints, knowing the end was close.

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