Sixteen: Mission From Hell (Z)

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I quickly change into the clothes that were dropped on my head, and run out the door hoping to catch him.

"You're wrong," I shout loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough so others wouldn't. "I don't care about her." He stops and turns around. He looks at me waiting for me to continue, so I decide to tell him the truth. "I just wanted a friend." "None of the other guards accepted me, but she did."

"There are no friends here only allies." He responds, walking closer until were a few feet apart

"I know I just, I just thought things could be different." I stammer, I hang my head knowing I should have known better. He puts a hand on my shoulder and I feel him relax.

"Zachary..Zac this is just how things work." I pick my head up and look him in the eye. That's when he realizes his mistake, he pulls his hand off my shoulder, but it's already too late.

I watch the locks fall of after another. Watch her expression as they pull her closer to the door. I feel something in my heart as they drag her past me.

Is it regret? Or sorrow?

I fall to my knees, yelling as I'm pushed out of Martin's mind.

"You put her in that torture chamber." I spit out, shaking the memories from my mind.

"You shouldnt have seen that." He replies shaking his head. I get up, my eyes watering from the abrupt push.

"How can you even do that?" I ask, even though I knew I wasn't going to get an answer. Only morphs could block out intruders, and only very good ones at that. Kaine and Martin seemed to have this thick brick wall that blocked everyone.

"Technology Zac." He explains as brief and vague as possible.

"You're lying." I say, as I start to back up. "I can't do this." I tell him turning my back on him. I Jog down the hall but slow down as Kaine blocks my path.

"What's the rush?" He questions his arms folded. I turn back the other way only to see Martin coming closer.

"I really didn't want it to come to this." He says in the most sincere way.
I was weighing my options who could I take. No matter who I fought, I would be in trouble for decades, maybe even sent to the same place as Kiera.

Martin knew me to well, trained me and watched me train. Kaine wouldn't expect my agility or speed. I turn to Kaine.

"I didnt want it to be like this either." My eyes flash yellow as I sprint towards him. He remains where he is arms still folded.

"You won't hurt me Zachary." He says smiling. "Not after all I've done for you." I slow, he's trying to get in my head. I won't be brainwashed like the rest of them though.


"Stop what?" He questions. "You get like this often Zac, you know it, I know it. We're working on a cure though don't worry. You feel trapped, threatened, you think I'm hurting you. It's just the wolf Zac, he's not human he doesn't understand this is how humans interact."

"Liar!" I shout.

"He just wants to destroy, and fight. It's not you Zac, you're a good kid that knows his responsibilities." I stop a few feet from him.

"I feel your pain Zac, instincts live inside us all, but sometimes it's better to control them." "Listen to your alpha Zac.

Something pricks my neck and I turn to see Martin with an empty syringe gun in his hand. My hand goes to my neck but its probably too late.

"Why?" Is all I ask as I head to the floor.

"It's for your saftey." Martin replies. I hear other voices and Kaine praising Martin.

"You did the right thing, I know it's hard but he's sick." Kaine puts a hand on Martin. "It's all going to work out in the end." He says. "Just like we planned."

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