Eight: There is no Place like Home (K)

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  I open my eyes, but quickly close them because of a blinding light. I panic, almost forgetting what happened. I try to pick up my head, but it feels like it is bolted down, so I lay back eyes closed and  go over the last couple of hours I remember in my head. The boy that tripped over me, the showdown, the guards, and...Zac. 

They were doing this on purpose, keeping as few of my senses as possible awake. I could hardly move my body, they were forcing my eyes closed, and I could hardly hear anything but a far away ringing. My nose was also filled with disinfectant. The only sense I had was touch and I planned to use it fully.  I'm on a soft, leather chair, with most likely their stupid glowing blue metal restraints around my wrists and ankles. I try to move my ankles and wrists, with no success. My inability to move confirms my hunch.

The chair is reclined all the way back which is why when I open my eyes, I only see light. I'm probably on one the the lower levels. One of the holding rooms, which is all white with hardley anything.

I keep going over the recent events trying to figure out what Zac had meant. I need you help. His message keeps going over and over in my head.

My thoughts vanish as someone touched my shoulder and I jerk, trying to get away.

Calm down. I hear in my head. I stop jerking, but stay alert as I realize who was with me in the room. He taps me on the other shoulder letting me know where he was. He knew I hated surprises, he probably also knew I couldnt hear anything which is why he was thinking rather then speaking.

Turn off the light. I think, but I know he can't hear me. Non telepaths could only send not receive thoughts. Something hits my left arm and suddenly I can't move my entire arm. I start to jerk the rest of my body again. My relationship with this person was shaky. There was trust, but it was often broken.

Relax, just trust me. There isn't much time. I didn't trust him at the moment but I couldn't do much as my arm was already immobilized. I feel a prick in my arm and then all of a sudden I can move again but my arms not free.

I gave you your third does of a drug that is supposed to wake you up and make you less drowsy. I've come in here twice and done the exact same thing. To be honest I didn't think you would wake up. They hit you with a lot of darts. So when they come in next  you need to pretend you're asleep. Don't jerk if they touch you. Good luck.
Then he's gone. Seconds later another hand touches my shoulder. It takes all my willpower not to move, even though it was a gentle touch.

"Kiera can you hear me?" A kind voice questions. I don't move. I can tell they turned off the light because it's darker now. The same person pulls up my eye lid and flashes a light in my eyes. I recognize her as one of the doctors on my floor. She was nice to me, but loyal to Kaine.

"If drugs pulled her in, why can't we use drugs to pull her out." A deeper voice asks. I almost jump. My heart starts beating fast and I only hope they dont check my pulse. Kaine was in the room as well.

"Technically we could but, it's better to let her body wake up natutally." She replies.

"That could take forever, or she could never wake up." Kaine says. "I don't have that type of time."

"I understand but anything else could kill her." She says. "Nothing was damaged and her heart is beating strong, slightly fast actually." There is silence for a minute. They were probably thinking.

"Jacob hand me your Eco." Kaine says. So there were guards in here too.

"Sir, I wouldn't advise that." The doctor warns.

"If I listened to the rules, I wouldn't be where I am now." He replied. "Hand me your Eco." I'm guessing the guard handed it over because through all the ringing I hear a sizzling sound. That's when it hits me, the blue electricity stick was called an eco. I was about to get electrocuted and they thought I was asleep. I bite down on my tongue, trying to figure out how exactly someone would react to getting electrocuted while asleep. Maybe wild eyes while throwing myself up. My planning comes to an end as the stick is shoved roughly into my side. My eyes fly open and my body pushes up against the restraints. They slam me back down against the chair, my heart beating wild in my chest. My vision blurs from the light that they didn't turn off, but the ringing in my ears stop.

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