Thirteen (K)

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Darkness consumes me as I struggle to free myself from the chains. The rusted chains bite into my flesh making me more frustrated then hurt.

I couldn't see a damn thing which was what made me more fearful then anything. Kaine being the phscopath he was could have any number of things right in front of me. All my other senses are sharpened though so I had twice the advantage of a normal person, with my already enhanced senses.

Something screeches and I freeze.  I try to touch the ground, but only the tips of my toes will reach.

I pull at my bound wrist, only to make them tighter and force me higher off the ground.  I wanted to shift, but that would only result in some dislocated body parts. 

Something screeches again and sounds like the walls are moving or changing. Maybe the walls were closing in slowly in an attempt to crush me. Or maybe he was just doing this to make me paranoid.

Something drops on my head, and I squirm around trying to avoid it.  Then the temperature increases rapidly, leaving me dripping in sweat.

The mysterious liquid drops on my head again and the temperature plummets until I'm shivering in the cold.

Beads up sweat turn into ice.  I close my eyes letting the cold devour me. I'm shaking uncontrollably, and closing my eyes gives me slight relief.

Another drop falls on my head and the temperature sky rockets to the top, burning my skin and melting away any trace of cold.

I heard another screech in the distant, and pulled against the restraints again.  My shirt was once again soaked with sweat, and my wrists were numb.

My body was shaking and my eyes threatened to close but once I was on the verge of hypothermia the drop would fall again and the temperature would rise.

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