Nine: (M)

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    My eyes flutter open, and I find myself sitting on a silver chair. Blue light hovers around my wrists making a hissing sound. When I try to get up, a sharp pain goes through my body, and I freeze immediately. I've never felt anything like this, and it puzzled me. I remembered the great pain in my back before, and I looked down to find a new white shirt, instead of my grey one with the blood. My left wrist was incased in some kind of transparent device

"What the hell?" I say to myself.

Four plain white wall surround me, but one of them catches my attention. The wall in front of me had the outline of a door glowing in blue. All of a sudden the inside of the outline disapeared and two men walked in.

The first held his head up high, his shoulders back, and his face expressionless. His eyes looked right into mine as he walked in, showing his power. He screamed confidence and control with his short neatly cut hair and his observant eyes. His black shirt was snug against his body, and his camo pants were wrinkle free. His black combat boots were the only things not spotless. They were worn and muddy, with strands of grass clinging to the tough material. The guy looked like a natural born leader, but then so did the second man.

The second man walked in as expressionless as the first, but his eyes told different stories. His blonde hair was slicked back, his shoulder back, his head high, but unlike the first man he sported a wrinkled black suit with a tie that matched his eyes.
The first man radiated power, but this man showed wisdom.

Two chairs identical to mine, rose from the ground. The two men took a seat as a transparent table rose the the floor as well. I stared in shock as the objects rose, this was nothing like the technology I had at my house.

"Impressive, I know," The first man says studying me. "The President tends to dream big when it comes to his little projects." His eyes wander around the room. "Now I'm a rather logical man, and I tend to keep things under control so I do apologize for Kiera's erratic behavior."

"Kiera?" I question adjusting myself on the chair so I'm sitting upright. I always wished I was taller, my short statue didn't make me quite intimidating.

"Yes, Kiera my daughter." He says as if testing my knowledge of her.

"Kiera wasn't erratic, she saved me from whoever was chasing us." I look him right in the eye. "She said they were going to kill us."

He laughs, as if the very thought was a joke. "Kiera does have a rather, wild imagination. I fear the people around her have been successful in causing her to believe in silly things."

"Something hit me back in the woods, and it felt like nothing I've ever felt before." What was it?" I question. The man looks shocked, he opens his mouth to say something but then closes it.

"Now Micheal, maybe what you felt was a hallucination, you were scared and confused, the mind plays marvelous tricks."

"I guess." I tell him realizing this was a subject better left buried.

"Now did my daughter do anything or say anything strange, something that might alarm someone as yourself?" I almost choke on my spit, but I keep my face passive and swallow.

"I'm don't know what you mean." I tell him. His expression changes.

"I think you do." Is all he says.

"Like I said before, she said someone was going to kill me, but such violence doesn't exist anymore as you reminded me."

"I don't like being lied to Micheal, in fact I hate it."  My muscles tense at the use of a forbidden word.

"I..I" I stutter. The first man stands up and the second looks over at him worried. Now I could tell who was in charge here. He walks over to me, and the blue light around my wrists dissapears.

"Last chance, did you see it do anything." He realizes his mistake a second before I do. He called his own daughter an it, something was off.

He grabs a fistful of my shirt and slams me against the wall. "What. Did. She. Do."

I look over towards the man in the back, but he just stares straight ahead like he's looking through me.

"Change." I choke out. He drops me to the floor, and turns to the other man. "You convinced me not to kill him, you have thirty seconds to convince me, not to kill him for real this time" He says looking over at the other man.

"Use him against her, make him what she fears."

"He'll never make it as a guard." He says.

"If you use the tech you've been working on, he'll become your most obedient guard." The blonde one says watching the younger man.

"Retrain him, then have Jace and Kat work with him." He continues.

"What if it doesn't work?" He questions.

"The memory retraining trials have gone quite well, with few failures." He says avoiding the question.

"That wasn't the question." The dark haired man says staring at the other. Silence. The men just stare at each other while I still dangle above the ground.

"Then kill him." He replies, not a hint of sympathy in his voice. I gulp as the leader thinks it over.

"I could use a totally obediant guard." He says considering the offer. He let's go of my collar and I fall on my butt. "Do it." He says and then rushes out of the room.

The blonde man sighs, and looks over at me, then proceeds to walk over towards me. I struggle to my feet, backing myself against the wall.

"What are you going to do?" I question looking around frantically, breathing hard. He doesn't answer just continues to walk untill he's only a few inches away.

"Hold out your left arm." He calmly says.

"My what?" I ask my heart rate slowing down. He points to my wrist with the strange clear object on it. I had forgotten all about it.

I hesitantly hold it out and he carefully grabs my wrist and turns it over in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I question. "What is that?" I ask my eyes searching for answers. He just looks up at me his blue eyes staring into mine.

"Your hand was broken in several places," He starts. He swipes his hand over the device and it falls off. I pull my hand back examining my fingers. I wiggle them, wondering if they even we're broken.

He motions to a silver chair and I follow, not even thinking. I take seat and immediately my wrists are encased in blue light.

"Hey what the hell?" He looks over at me like this was perfectly normal.

"Don't fight them, It will just make it worse." He advises heading towards the door.

"Hey, wait!" I yell, but he continues to walk towards the glowing blue outline.

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