Three: Truth be Told (M)

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   I slowly open my eyes, fighting back the sleep that threatens to pull me back under the warn safety of my covers. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, and with a wave of my hand pull up my schedule. My room lights turn on, amd the wall in front of me lights up showing today's events and plans.

  I jump out of bed, startled when I see it. The black numbers lighting up the top right corner of the screen.

  "I'm going to be late." I tell myself as I throw on the mandatory grey tee-shirt and black khakis. I quickly grab my flat grey sneakers, almost tripping on my way out the door.

  I race down the white staircase, the steps turning blue as my feet touch them and slam my hand against the scanner.

  "Good morning Michael." It says in an animated voice as my breakfast slides out of the transparent slot of the autograin.

  I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate and quickly pushed the tray back into the slot, ignoring it's persistent beeping. I grab my airpad and run to the door. It slides open when it senses me and I rush into the chilly morning air.

  Snow is quickly falling on the imitation grass, and I shiver regretting the fact I didn't grab a jacket.  I run quickly knowing if I didn't make it to school the guards would come, my parents would get a warning and I would get a lecture about being prompt.

  I chase the blue and grey drifter as it glides down our street, hovering a few feet in the air. I push my messy dark brown hair out of my face, only to see my classmates laughing at me through the window.  I groan in disappointment as it turns the corner.

  I slow to a stop, knowing there was no way I could catch up to it now. I spin around blinking snow out of my eyes, and watching my breath form in front of me, as I try to come up with a plan.

   I slowly turn towards my right, remembering the big clearing behind my neighbor's house that leads into the woods. The woods that would eventually lead into the city.

  Without a second thought I was zipping through my neighbor's yard, and into the clearing on the other side.

  Soon I see tall trees towering over me their bright colored leaves hanging from their delicate branches.
There weren't many trees left, let alone forests, but the ones that remained were protected by the law.  Most people stayed away from the forests because of all the rules and regulations, and because there was really no real reason to go into one. Everything you needed was in the confort of your home.

  It was dark out because of the snow, which is probably why I didn't see it, until I was face first in the snow. I push myself up and spin around, trying to make out, what I tripped over in the dark.

  I kick at the object and when it doesn't  move, I reach down to touch it. The dark lump jumps up so fast, I fall backwards on my backside out of suprise.

A girl stares back at me, her dark purple eyes piecing. Her unusually long white blonde hair has streaks of dirt and crimson blood. Her left wrist hangs limp by her side like it was broken, and the rest of her body is covered in cuts, bruises and scars. She was an unhealthy type of shinny and her all white clothes were torn in many different places. She was also barefoot which seemed unreasonable especially in this weather.

She turns to face me her eyes wild with fear. They were a dark purple, but they were slowly turning a deep yellow.

"Who are you?" She questions her voice stronger and more confident then she looks.

"Michael." I respond, getting to my feet. I inch closer curious what this girl was doing out here in unregulated clothes. She backs up forming a fist by her side.

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