13|| Last seen 48 hours ago.

251 43 56

The one day that I spent without texting him felt like ages. But I was glad it was over. He will be back today.
I don't know why but I all I could think about, throughout the day, was him.

A blanket of dismal and grim feelings had spread over my insides.

And I was glad the day was over, it's like a new life has come upon me.
I was happy,chirpy inside and the feeling of desolation was altered with ecstasy.
The clicking sound of my phone broke the cloud of thoughts.

✨Groovies ✨
Sallybae [admin]
AKrules [admin]

Allisonlovespizza is added by Sallybae.

Sallybae: since you were not near to adding me. I added ya ;) Welcome to groovies babe!!! :*

Allisonlovespizza: I was about to add you but I just forgot your id 😛

Sallybae: nm... We can now talk here 😉

Lexihaspixiedust: omg girl!! u just vanished from stelp! what happened?? are you okay??

Allisonlovespizza: yeah Lex I'm just fine. and about stelp I was just spending a lil more time here 🙈

Tammarasmexcy: And we have to know why 😏

Before I could type my reply another message invite popped up in my notification panel.

Sallybae [admin]
Lexihaspixiedust [admin]
Tammarasmexcy [admin]
Venicenotvenus [admin]
Sherrysnores  [admin]

Tammarasmexcy added you to

Allisonlovespizza is now an admin.

Allisonlovespizza: wow now this is another secret society 😂

Sallybae: lol yeah kinda 😂

Allisonlovespizza: why everyone is admin here?  😮

Lexihaspixiedust: every girl loves gossip here 😏 So you know we can't talk about everything in front of the boys?

Tammarasmexcy: and here we have the liberty to add "sources" for some news so yeah that's the reason of every girl being admin here 😁

Sallybae: remember to remove the sources before they start calling themselves in with "groovies" 😂

Lexihaspixiedust: gahhh IKR!! some sources are so desperate like they'd do anything to get in. 😑

Allisonlovespizza:  uh okay... So what are sources?

Tammarasmexcy: You know boys? they get swayed away and to keep track with, the sources help us ;)

Lexihaspixiedust: we can know which girl is flirting with our crushes/boyfriends.

Sallybae: and the next moment, she's out of stelp. 😌

This cruel side of the girls was never shown in Stelp. They appeared the most cheerful. I feel lucky I didn't land up in their bad books instead I was now one of them.

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