I walked over to the door and closed, it before looking at Sirus who was still concentrating on his book. "What is wrong?" I questioned him.

"The humans retaliated again. They forced my hand, Esmeralda. There were casualties."

I tensed. Of course people died. My people died. What did he care? He said as if he was sorry. Which I knew he was not.  "Chelsea and I were only gone for two hours maybe..how could you get that information to and fro so easily?" He might have known all day. When he kissed me. Played around with Eddie and Sarah. He is a master at manipulation. That is for sure. His entire family was.

"My messenger."

"It takes half of a day to get from my kingdom to yours. How is that possible?" He was a liar. He had always been a liar and always will be.

He sighed, "on horse it takes half of the day. My messengers run in wolf form. They are the quickest men I have in the kingdom. It takes them about an hour to get a message to your kingdom. Maybe 45 minutes."

I shook my head. "How can you just end someone's life so quickly? Did you even hear them out? Want to know why they reveled? You are so cruel and...and straightforward with everything, Sirus. You cannot rule like this!" I exclaimed as he just stared at me as if I were crazy.

"That is how I rule. I will not change my ruling habits because of the few deaths of rebel humans. I am not discriminating against humans. My own lycan people have rebelled against me of course a long time ago, and I have dealt with their insubordination with their deaths," he explained to me as I just stared at him accusingly. Some part of me believed him. A large part of me did not. "Also a Duke Everton the second would like to have an audience with you. I told him no."

My heart jumped. When I heard Duke Everton...it reminded me of the first. The man who was ripped apart in front of my very eyes. He was dead...but his son who had tried to court me when I was younger...was alive. It gave me an odd comfort. "Wh-what did he say?"

"Who is he to you?" He growled out. He looked tense and ready to pounce at the way I responded to his name. It amuses and scared me a bit.

"He is an old suitor who's advances I respectfully declined. He was a councilman's son. His father was an honorable man...who was murdered the day my parents were," I told him truthfully. He looked annoyed that I had mentioned their deaths. He did not have the right to be annoyed or angry for something that he had caused. "Why do you look angry? Your parents were not murdered in front of you."

He chuckled. "They were...but that is not the point. Why does he want to speak with you? I was going to have him killed but the people... your people respect him so much. I want to attempt at peace, so when we meet with your people we will meet with him. I mean that as in us together. Not him alone with you. That will never happen," he stated watching me closely.

I did not wish to be alone with Jacob. I do not think any woman would want to be alone with him. "You do not have to worry about that, Sirus...and we respect each other. My people are probably desperate if they are looking at him as a leader." It unsettled me.

He rubbed his temples, looking away. "So, how was your tour around my kingdom?" He asked, his eyes never leaving my own as I somewhat fidgeted under his gaze. Should I tell him?

"It was interesting...I met a very kind baker."

He just nodded slowly, his eyes brightening as we both sat in silence.

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