He jogged up the sidewalk and pressed the doorbell before waiting a few seconds before being buzzed in.

I watched from his truck as he went inside and disappeared from my line of vision. Now I was officially all on my own. The first thing I did was lock the doors before looking from left to right at the environment outside the car.

It was roughly around 11 at night and the only light that let me see out my window were the tall lampposts that only gave off a orange glow.

There were only a few people out at this time loitering around, but none of them had seemed to take notice of me yet. And for that I was thankful.

I was completely scared at this point and I was absolutely ready to go.

As if he had read my mind telepathically, Sam magically appeared beside the truck at the drivers side of the truck. He pulled on the door handle and realized it was locked. His one eyebrow rose and he pointed at the lock silently asking me to unlock the doors.

I did as he asked and he climbed back into the truck and plopped into his seat. He buckled up and turned towards me.

"Were you scared out here?" He chuckled.

"Psh no. I wasn't. I was only taking precautions." I simply shrugged as he put the vehicle into drive and we took off.

It wasn't long before we made another stop at a random place that I didn't know of and this time Sam asked me to get out with him.

We were at another apartment complex, but this one looked a lot less rough than the last neighborhood.

"Where are we?" I asked Sam as we walked side by side up the cement path.

"My apartment. I'm having a little get together. I hope you don't mind." He said as we got to the door which he held open for me as I walked in and we went straight for the elevators.

"No I don't mind. I've got nothing better to do." I chuckled nervously knowing deep down I should really be working on all my notes and homework.

Another part of me knew that I needed this sort of social engagement with other people my age rather than being all closed up in my room studying and trying to avoid thinking of Theo and his rejection of me.

When we got closer and closer to his apartment, music coming from within was growing louder and louder.

As soon as he pushed open the door I immediately realized this wasn't a "small together." It was a full-on party.

The room was packed wall-to-wall with people dancing, drinking or even doing what looked to be illegal drugs. My eyes immediately bulged out of their sockets. They couldn't believe what I was actually seeing.

"A little gathering, huh?" I turned to Sam to see he had already made his way across the room and towards their makeshift dj stand.

He threw me a thumbs-up and grinned back to me as if this was an amazing way to end what I thought was turning out to be a fun day out. I sarcastically gave him a quick and cheesy smile in return.

I found my way to the kitchen and got myself a new red solo cup out of the bag and filled it with water from a brand new water bottle I dug out of the fridge.

The Football Player's RoommateWhere stories live. Discover now