Part Five

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When there food arrived they finally pulled their hands away, just to eat. They don’t speak as they eat, they don’t need to. Stiles scent and pancakes fill his nose and he knows he made the right choice in telling him some of his past, Stiles scent comes off differently every few moments, from surprise, to happiness, to excitement. They both know they are making progress and it gives them both hope.

One thing, that doesn’t change in Stiles scent, is the scent of love. It’s warm and strong and like honey, warm and slick, Derek was drowning in the scent.

Once they had finished eating, Stiles was again closing his eyes he was falling asleep, Derek rolled his eyes at the teenager as he paid the bill and got up, pulling Stiles along until he is back in the passenger seat sleeping off the two rounds of chocolate pancakes he ate. Derek got into his seat and started the car and pulled out his phone calling Serina’s phone.

“Hello?” A young women answers the phone, not the right female though.


“Derek? Hey, Derek.” Arielle answers him and he can always see her smiling “We hear you are on your way back, which is great I miss you already.”

“No you don’t, you miss driving my car, Arielle.”

“Ahhh, you got me! You almost here?”

“We’re just along the borders of Utah we may be there later tomorrow.”

“Mmm, OK, wait- we?”

“I’m bringing a friend with me.”

“Oh, hey that’s cool. Wolf?”


“Like me! Oh snap!”

Derek laughs at the young woman but smiles “Yes, like you.”

“Well then hurry up and get here! I know like no, humans who know about the super natural.”

“You too will get along very well I’m sure of it.”

“Hmmm. Well alright Derek I’ll see you soon, you want to talk to Serina?”

“That’s why I called,” Derek says

“Mama!” Arielle calls away from the phone, “Derbear wants to talk to you.”

“Why did you answer my phone, Elle?”

“Der was calling! I miss him!”

“You just miss his Camaro.”

“Is that all you two think of me?!?” Arielle says her voice slowly fades and her mother’s fills Derek ear.

“Hello Derek,” Serina says and even over the phone, Derek can hear the power in her voice and the way she speaks

“I know I should have asked you before, but I’m bringing a friend along with me, his name is Stiles, I’m really hoping it’s OK that I bring him along.” Derek says, getting right to the point, it was wrong to just bring Stiles along without asking the Alpha first, disrespectful, and Derek was only now thinking like a Beta.

“It’s quite alright Derek, Cora tells me a lot about this Stiles of yours. Seems that he helped save Cora, you, Scott McCall, and even Lydia. He seems to be asset to your pack.”

“He’s a good guy.” Derek says a little flatly he’s not alpha anymore, he should correct her, but sometimes he misses the idea that the whole pack was his… even if they weren’t his friends, they were pack and that meant more, esically for Stiles, he liked the spastic kid.

The DIA Looks Good On You Derek {Sterek- Teen Wolf}Where stories live. Discover now