Chapter 10

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3rd person pov

Boromir knelt and excepted his defeat as that black bow was raised one more time. Kurtz had his bow aimed at Boromirs heart and it looked fatal until aragorn charged at him. Boromir fell back and rested against a tree as his future king fought to defend his life, but aragorn was too late.

Boromir took a painful gasp.

" they took the little ones and Aria." Aragorn quickly tried to staunch the full blood from his shoulders.

" frodo... Where is frodo?" Boromir panicked.

" I let frodo go." Aragorn explained.

" then you did what I could not. I tried to take the ring from him." Boromir confessed.

" The ring is beyond our reach now." Aragorn spoke as he grasped Boromirs hand.

" forgive me, I did not see. I have failed you all."

" no, Boromir.  You have fought bravely. You have kept your honor." Once more Aragorn  tried to bind his wound.

" leave it! It is over, the world of men will fall and all will come to darkness and my city to ruin."

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White city fall, nor your people fail."

" our people... Our people..." The light in Boromirs eyes began to fade as his breathing became more laboured.

" I would've followed you, my brother, my captain, my king." Boromir said with his last breath.

" be at peace, son of gondor. " Aragon bent and kissed his forehead as legolas and gimli appeared behind him.

" they will look for his coming from the white tower, but he will not return." Aragorn lamented.


As The three hunters walk towards the shore a sudden realization came upon legolas.

" where is Aria?" He asked with concern.

Aragorn gave him a look of pity. 

" before he passed, Boromir revealed to me that she was taken."

Legolas became enraged.

" I know not what your plans are, and how you wish to follow. However, my mind is made. I have to go after her, even if that means I go by myself. At this moment, I regret that I have to split up from you, but I don't have another choice." He embraced each of his friends.

" I wish you both good fortune." He spoke as he departed.


" if we are quick, we will catch Frodo and Sam before nightfall." Gimli spoke to Aragorn is this still on the shore.

Aragorn didn't react.

" you mean not to follow them..." Gimli realized.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands."

"then it has all been in vain the fellowship has failed."

"not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry, Pippen, and aria to torment and death, not well we have strength left." Aragorn pulled a large hunting knives out of this pack and strapped it on.

"leave all that can be spared behind, the travel lightly. Let's hunt some Orc!"

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