The Power Of Love

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Mikaelson Mansion

Rebekah looked stunned at Elijah, as he told her how things went with Elena.

"You will just let her go?"

"No - I don't know. I don't want to appear being pushy."

"Pushy? I can't believe what I am hearing. She is the woman you've dreamt about all these months. She is here and you will let a glitch destroy your future happiness? Elijah - what's the matter with you?"

"What would you have me do?"

Rebekah sighed, walking out herself, but she didn't follow her brother. She went to, basically, inform others about the Elejah mishap.

In the history of all Mikaelson's festivities, not once did things run smoothly. The year before it was Rebekah with her +1, a few years back Kol got drunk nearly causing a fight, and well, this year, Elijah and his love turmoil.


Rousseau's actually

No matter how Caroline was wrapped into Klaus' stories about his last adventure, she thought of Elena.

"Love, what's the matter? You're absent minded." Klaus gently touched her arm with his back hand.

"Elena has a weird self-harm mechanism when it comes to guys. She is not harming herself litteraly. Like cutting herself. It's actually subconscious." Caroline said.

"What do you mean?" Klaus was all ears.

"She is rejecting Elijah because of her past experiences. And she us bailing out already. Because her heart could be broken again." Caroline explained.

"I second that. She didn't want to open the gift he left her." Bonnie said, who joined the conversation as Kol went out to take a call.

"Or it's self-preservation. Maybe we can talk to her." Klaus suggested.

Seeing Rebekah approaching with a flustered face, they all turned to the blonde.

"What's the matter?" Klaus asked.

"Elijah." Rebekah said. "He is packing. Leaving first thing in the morning."

"Oh, God, he's gone into the brooding mode." Klaus said. "Right, we need a plan."

"Oh, a man of action" Caroline's eyes sparkled.

"We'll go talk to her." Klaus said. "I can't have him moping forever. And forever is a long time."

"What's up?" Kol said as he saw faces plotting.

"They think that they'd convince Elena that Elijah is worth giving another chance." Bonnie filled him in.

"But you think it's not going to work?"

"No. I know Elena. When she shuts down - she shuts down." Bonnie said.

"That stubborn, ha?" Kol concluded.

"Yes." Bonnie confirmed.

Caroline begged to differ.
But none of it mattered, because the plan of pleading Elijah's case went futile as Elena was not at the house, though all her things were still there. As well as her phone.

"Here us a note." Bonnie said as she saw a paper stuck on the fridge door.

"Gone for a walk. E."

"Well, now we can leave it to the comet to do its magic." Caroline said.

"Yeah." Klaus muttered.

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