This Christmas...will be a very special Christmas

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Esther and Mikael were about to give their annual welcome speech as well as the Season's good wishes.

It was expected that all of their children to be present at their side.

Klaus and Rebekah saw Elijah take Elena to a side room.

"We got to cover for him." Rebekah said.

"She will be furious" Klaus said referring to their mother.

"Well, it's always the same." Rebekah exhaled with a scoff,"she's used to one of us fucking up."

She took the glass of Champagne offered to her. Seeing Marcel coming towards her, she sifted annoyed, "what is he doing here? Didn't we uninvite him?"

Klaus shrugged his shoulders and went to check what was happening with Elijah.

Rebekah greeted Marcel, who wished her good tidings. She made up a little sour smile having sipped down a bit of the Champagne narkily, "Good tidings to you, too"

Compliments flew at her and she let his charm play for a few seconds,
"Once upon a time you had your chance, but I remember you blowing it. But I guess that's how it was supposed to be. I finally found someone special."

Rebekah turned away from Marcel and went up to Jackson taking him by the arm, "Shall we go see what's up with Elejah?"

"Elejah?" Jackson muttered clueless.

"Elena+Elijah! It's too long to say both their names out- you get a twist of tongue" she explained.

"Shouldn't we leave them alone for a minute? Bonnie said that Elena changed her mind about your brother."

In the side room, Elijah and Elena stood in complete silence for a second. Both feeling strangely fluttery.

"Elena" Elijah started but she put her hand up to stop him from speaking.

Elena looked Elijah, her heart thumping uncontrollably.

"I - first - please, I apologize for pushing you away last night. Everything inside me just got so jumbled up. When it comes to my feelings, I get irrational for some reason. For a totally unexplained reason I felt hurt even though there wasn't anything really serious between me and Kai - or you. We just hooked up. Yeah - I just - pulled away into my shell cuz I just felt this hate for myself creep up because I've been in this situation before and then everything fell apart and I just thought it was best to just - shut myself off. Run away. I unfortunatelly agreed to be a guest lecture - uhm - all this is mad cuz I don't know if you care to start anything with me now that-  "

Elijah could listen to her ramblings to his hearts content, her voice, was a delight, but now he just wanted to kiss her. And tell her that he wanted nothing more than start everything with her.

Stepping forward he took her by the hands, stopping her from speaking. His earthy brown eyes glistened, looking at her adoringly.

He had to open his heart to her.  "Every year, we make this wish when we hang an ornament on the tree. And I wished for someone like you, every year. And  this year you - appeared. Like out of nowhere, although it wasn't really so. Anyway, I say we start here now, and see where it leads us. What do you say?"

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