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The streets were flooded with the sounds of the town preparing for a whole new year. People setting up their gatherings, preparing the televisions in order to see  the ball at midnight, couples awaiting for their New Year's kiss; and families waiting to bless each other for the upcoming year. However, oblivious as they are many in secret are now deep in fear. The vampire community felt relieved to learn of the Crocker's supposed leader being down, however a new has been selected and those who know her now live in fear. But deep underground Jake keeps his guard up as he sits awaiting for the final hour to come as he knows that this could be their only chance to the lives of many innocent people.

"Everyone ready?" He says with his hand pressed to his ear.

"Sure thing dumbass," Karkat says.

"We are all set on our end Jakey!" Roxy cries.

"You already know thath I am," Sollux says as he sits at the monitors in the main room.


"Yes Dirk?"

"If anything happens during this....I'm letting you know now...don't back down alright? Everything will be alright at the end,"

"Everything will be okay...I promise,"

"We can't guarantee it..."


"if things go as plan Jake, then I will give you my whole life,"

"W..wait what?"

"Gayyyy~!" Roxy shouts.

"Haha! I'm asking for your hand man,"

"D..dirk...c..can this wait?" He says as his face heats up.

" the way I left the ring in your room,"

"A ring?!"

"Shut up you homosexual birds. It's almost time, so get ready" Dave says with a hiss.

The clocks handle lands a minute before Midnight, the ball in the City of New York ready to resume it's tradition, and hundres of families awaiting the time for the New Year to begin. Sollux stares at the timer and just as it hits zero a screen near him.

"Jake, ith's abouth to tharth,"

"Thank you Sollux,"

"Everyone be ready," Jake says as a screen before him also turns to static.

In the homes around the country, televisions upon televisions begin to turn to static. Nothing but their screens turning black and white. The screams and excitement that had begun to fill the air die down into silence. The screen's image changes to red color with a white fork formed in the center.

The image changes once more, but this time to an older woman. Her hair long and wavy down to her ankles, her glasses of pink color and shaped as ovals though designed as goggles, jewlery hung around her neck, wrists, and rings upon her fingers. In her hand she held a staff shaped as Triton of golden color. Behind her stood a group of men in suits all wearing black. 

"T..that' mother...oh my glub!" Feferi blurts out over the communicator. 

"Your mother...?" Jake asks.

"Yes...we don't get along..we have a few fishues between us. But she's a hunter you never would want to mess with..."

"I see...."

The video continues playing live as confusion spreads among the people.

"Greetings to everyone watching and Happy fucking New Year," she starts off as she smiles widely. "Listen up and listen well puny humans, I am known as the Condesce! Remember my damn name because it will change all of your worthless lives! I'm here today to reveal who i am and what my purpose is! I am now the corporate CEO of the Crocker company!"

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