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Dirk kept his grip tightly to the wheel of his truck and kept his eyes locked onto the road, but his mind kept wandering back to that moment. Jake and Aranea with their lips locked together. And Jake never pushed her back or even attempted to stop her. The blonde growls at the thought of him being with her, because he knew that when it came to the Serket family, they were always using people.

"Fucking hell....I missed my chance..."

Meanwhile, in first period Jake sat in class in complete confusion. He knows that Dirk was at school this morning. He even gave him a ride. So why wasn't he around?

"Dirk...where...?" He pulls out his phone and dials his number. "Pick up you dolt..."

Dirk hears his phone ring just as he parks at the entrance to a gym. He checks the name of the caller and sighs. It was Jake. He ignores the call and leaves his phone inside the car.

"Dammit..." Jake sighs and gives up on calling. 'Where did you go?' There was nothing he could do. He couldn't concentrate on his work, his classes, lunch, or even the planning for his grandmother's funeral. The entire time his mind could only wander to Dirk. There was only one person he could turn to for info.

It was his first time skipping on his own, but he knew what to do and where to go. He managed to get to the roof of the school to see Dave laying on top with his arms laying under his head.

"Dave.." he walks over slowly. The blonde sits up and turns to him.

"Jake? Dirk's not up here for once. Surprisingly. Dude what gave you the guts to skip and come up here?"

"It's..Dirk...he left the school grounds. He came this morning yes, because i was there...but then he never showed for first class or the rest of the day,"


"Yes, Dave I'm serious!" The young Strider stands and looks out to the parking lot, only to curse once he notices that Dirk's truck was no where to be found. He sighs.

"Well, he's either one...not wanting to come in today. Two sick. Or it's just cause he's mad. And i know he's not sick anymore. He had a test today so..he's probably pissed off,"

"Pissed off? But for what reason?" Jake asks.

"Hell I don't know, just check this list of places," Dave hands him a list of places.

Jake sighs and nods he gets off the roof and leaves the school grounds.

"Honestly..Dirk this is ridiculous...."

At the gym, Dirk sits Infront of a punching bag covered in sweat as he breathes heavily. He couldn't get himself to calm down, and it wasn't helping that he still hasn't gotten any type of human blood. He sighs and wipes his face with a towel. He closes his eyes removing is shades as he wipes them off.

"Fucking hell...I'm over reacting....I have to be...." He says to himself as he puts his shades back on. He grabs his things and heads back to his truck. He opens the door and picks up his phone just as it vibrates. He unlocks it realizing that there were over 60 messages waiting for him. He sits in his truck and looks through his inbox.
"Who the hell...?"

His inbox was filled with short messages, all mainly sent from roxy or dave asking where he was. But then two messages caught his eye revealing to be jake. His eyebrows narrow as he stares at the Brit's number. He hesitantly presses on the message and reads it.

"Dirk..where are you? You dropped me off to school but you left. Are you okay? Dave says you had important things to do today but you left which could possibly mean you are upset. Are you really okay? I'm going to be looking all around for you until I get an answer from you. Come on ol' chap..there's no reason to hide away..." He reads. He runs his hand through his hair and sighs for the hundredth time today. He opens the most recent text. "Was it me? Did I do something wrong? If so please tell me... I'm home right is already over so if you wish or mind you can talk to me. Nevermind nevermind..well see you later then," he curses to himself and tosses his phone into the back seat. He drives his truck to the beach and stops at Jake's house. He steps out the truck, and walks over to the front porch where all of Jake's things were laid out including his phone. He looks around and goes to the back of the house when a sudden large figure of white furriness tackles him to the down. He cringes having gotten the wind knocked out of him on impact to the floor.

"Bec!" He hears Jake shout just as the Brit appears wearing only his shorts. The white male dog barks at Dirk and sniffs his face. He didn't mind dogs, but this one was rather huge. "Bec down now! It's alright!" Jake shouts. Bec barks and jumps off of the blonde leaving him with a few scratches at his shoulders from his claws. Dirk coughs a bit and sits up wincing at the left over pain in his back.

"Oh..Dirk im so let me help you..." He reacheshis hand out, but Dirk holds a hand up and silently stands.

"You wanted to talk....?" He says bluntly.

" you like to come inside...?"

"No I'm fine out here...."

"Oh...okay..." Jake leads Dirk out to the back and walks along to the shore of the beach as he sits. Dirk follows slowly with his arms folded hoping that nothing would occur. The blonde sits a few inches away from him and keeps his arms folded.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Are you upset with me? I get the feeling that you are....and you skipped the entire day of school! What did I do wrong?" He asks.


"Aranea? Oh gog you saw what happened earlier didn't you?! I swear I had no control over it! She just suddenly did it without even any kind of consent from me!"

"And you didn't bother to move her away?"

"Dirk I would never harm or try to hurt a gal even one I know I do not like!" He stops. "Wait........Dirk...why would upset about that....?"

Dirk tenses up and clutches his hands in tight fists. He made sure to bite his tongue a bit. There was no way he could say how he felt. Not now. No way either.

"Dirk answer me!" Jake cries. Dirk stands and silently starts waking away. Jake grabs his arm and yanks on it, forcing him to face him. "Tell me!" Dirk just couldn't control his urges nor hold them back any longer. He grabs Jake by his arm and pulls him forward and roughly locks his lips with his. For a moment the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of nature. Waves crashing, birds chirping and wings flapping, the rustling of leaves from trees, and the breeze blowing around the area. Jake's eyes were wide, but he couldn't stop Dirk at this point. He didn't want to stop, but he was too surprised to act or even kiss back as a response of accepting him. Dirk pulls away and releases his arm.

"I fucking like you. Jake English,"

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