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It's already half way through the school day and Jake has not been seen at all by anyone. Dirk has been trying to find him everywhere but to no avail. During lunch he constantly keeps trying to call him, but no answer on his phone either. Jane had also vanished early morning as well. Roxy and Dirk were terrified out of their wits. They found it necessary to skip the rest of the day and start looking for them. Roxy went in her car with rose and John, Daves friends; and Dirk drove off in his truck with Dave.

"Dude calm down I'm sure he just stayed home,"

"Dave I called both his phones. He is not home,"

"Look if I don't get a chance to make up my god damn test I will fuck you,"

"Whao incest man not interested and since when do you care about a test?"

"Since it's my science class dammit now fucking drive!"

"On it!"

Once they arrive to the house, Dirk grabs his sword from under the back seats and goes to the door noticing that it was opened a bit. Both brothers walked in slowly. Dave took the second floor while Dirk kept to the first. Dirk searched through each room finding nothing. But with his enhanced smelling he noticed an unfamiliar scent.


The blonde races up the stairs and up to Jakes' room where Dave stood. He follows Dave's gaze and notices the blood stains on the walls. He covers his nose and flinches at the scent.

"It's Jake's....." he whispers.

"Whoever did it...."

"Wasn't human I know...and i think I know who it is..." he says with a growl.

There was the smell of wet grass, and old wood that filled the air around the black haired Brit. He groans and slowly lifts his head as his eyes fluttered open. His head throbbing in pain and his body aching. Why did he feel so weak and exhausted?

"Hey he's awake," a voice says. It was a male. Most likely a couple years older from what he could tell. He blinks a few times to clear his vision and finally managed to see just who he was up against. He gazes up and winds up face to face with a guy with dark brown hair tied in a low ponytail, a scar over his left eye, a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and regular black shoes. Beside him were two other guys about the same age wearing the same type of clothing.

"Wakey Wakey little jakey," the brown haired one sings. Jake stared at him as he came closer shortening the distance between them. He tries to move, but cringes as he realizes that his arms were binding him to the tree behind him. "No use Jake,"

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Only one thing Jake. Which we wasted before but now we can take it for real,"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh? You haven't noticed?" He grins revealing his fangs with a hiss.

"Vampire....." he whispers as the guy laughs.

"That's right so what we want is your blood," he leans to his neck and inhales sharply. "Smells really good, let's have a taste,"

"Back off!" Jake cries and smashes his head into his. The guy growls and grabs his hair tilting his head by force to the side. Jake struggles, but stops as he tries to breathe.

'No not now....don't start now!' he could feel his chest tighten as the amount of air he was receiving started to lack. The guy leans to his neck once more and licks from the center up. 'Dammit...! I can't move....someone....Jane.....Jade....grandmother.....Dirk....!' He let's out a gasp just as he feels the sharp teeth pierce through his skin.

"Ngh!" He felt his consciousness slipping at a rapid rate. Just how long would it be until he finally goes unconscious from blood loss or lack of air?

"Get away from him!!" A sword jabs straight into the vampires shoulder causing him to hiss and jump away. Dirk jumps from a tree and lands before Jake. Dave runs from behind the group and pulls the sword out and pauses beside his brother. A bullet flies and then another. The group hisses. Stepping out from behind the trees were Jane and Roxy. Both carrying guns. The group quickly jump away and disperse out of fear. Dirk turns to Jake and kneels to him as Dave cuts the rope binding him.

"Jake...stay with us....Dave call an ambulance!" He pats Jake's face lightly only to get small responses. Jake stares at the blonde and every time he blinked, his figure would blur even more so than it was before. Before he knew it he was soon consumed by darkness. Dirk frowns and holds onto his long time friend/crush refusing to let go until the paramedics arrived on scene just in time to provide him with oxygen. All four teens stand by as they watch their friend be taken away to the hospital.

"I'm driving, let's go see him," Dirk says as he starts walking back.

"Guys watch what you say to him alright? He's really pissed now," Dave whispers.

"Well we know dat much David, his fucking crush just almost got killed!" Roxy shouts.

"Yes but come on we have to help them both let's go," the two blondes nod at the black haired girls demand and quickly follow Dirk.

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