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In the hospital, Jake lays with a mask over his nose and bandages around his neck. An I.v. filled with his blood type attached to him replacing the bodily fluid that had been taken.

Attacks by vampires were apparently natural, but we're never discussed out in the open by anyone. If an attack has been made, reports would be sent to the hunters. But there are vampires, who are innocent and follow the simple drinking method that Dirk does; drinking animal blood. But even if so, if they are caught they are killed immediately. Vampires are hidden everywhere in the town and only a handful of them drink human blood and then there's those who drink and kill for fun. The vampires who attacked Jake were a part of that small percentage. And the main leader was part of a larger group. Similar to mafia men, but run by vampires who are skilled to fight against the hunters. No one ever got involved with the hunters or their ways; they only knew that their lives were in their hands.

Dirk sat at Jake's side with anger slipping through the cracks of his stoic expression. His body tense, and his hands tightly held together. He felt his face being heated in rage as he stared at the brit's motionless body.

A hand lightly pats his shoulder, "Hey don't worry alright? He will be okay. Just let him rest and there won't be anything to worry about," he looks up to his closest friend Roxy. They were like real siblings and always had each other's backs. The issue was that she was a Lalonde. The Lalonde family has served alongside the hunters for years. They were the ones who helped in the development of the weapons used against the bloodsuckers. Dirk had always trusted Roxy, however the secret the Striders hold was one he could not trust with anyone. And it was all out of fear and a promise Dave and him have made with their long lost older brother. It was no secret that that the two held in a lot from the others including emotions, but that's why many are drawn to them. Even though it's a quality they both despise a bit. Dirk can only express anger more than any other feeling. His smiles and smirks all were masks to hide away who he was underneath.

"Roxy...those guys that attacked him...did you manage to hit them?"

"Sorry dirky...but I missed by a few inches," she says with a frown.


"Dirk...are you thinking of finding them again? And fighting? Because if you are, I swear you are not in any shape or form to even try, unless you have forgotten that you're recovering from a stomach issue you doofus,"

"Roxy.....I won't fight them I'll just kill them slowly," he says with a growl.

"No. Leave it to d hunters dirky. Or else I will hurt you where it hurts!" She says pulling st his shirt. He feels the intense glare of her eyes and gulps hard as she lets go. "Keep an eye on jakey! I hav tah go! Bye!" She runs out and leaves Dirk with the feeling of fear for the girl.

He sighs and stares down. Jane had to call Jake's sister and grandmother, dave had to fill in his friends of what happened and warm them too, yet Dirk was stuck in a dull and pitiful room; his crush/best friend laying unconscious right before him.

"Just fucking great..." he removes his shades and keeps his eyes closed as he leans over planting his head on the edge of the bed. He was as tired as can be. He needed blood and he needed it soon otherwise he could kneel over and die within a few weeks. Being a  half human and half vampire really was not how he would have wanted to live. But he had no choice. He was born that way and he was forever gonna have to stay that way. He closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Dirk feels a sudden shake to his shoulder and a voice calling his name.

"Hello? Dirk? Wake up..your friend is showing signs of waking," it was the doctor. The blonde sits up with a long yawn and stretches all while keeping his eyes closed. He puts on his shades and blinks.

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