Her body was shivering as I lead her into our room. I searched for a gown then quickly pulled it over her shaking form.

"Esmeralda, I know you are upset with me but speak," I ordered her as she crumpled to her knees then sat on the floor. Staring at her hands.

What on earth was happening to her?


She began to hug her knees again.

"Esmeralda?" I tried again, bending down and reaching to touch her leg. "Esmerelda, talk to me."

She looked up. Her face was flushed, her eyes were reddish and puffy. A stream of tears flowed from both eyes. "Wh...why did you not tell me?" She questioned. Her voice sounded raw. Irate.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you, Esmeralda. I have already made this clear to you."

Her hands turned into fists as she began to breathe rather harshly.

"I...I cannot do this! I cannot do this, Sirus," she said as she looked up at me...with the most distraught look I had ever seen.

"Esmeralda," I said as I managed to pull her a bit. Not to much. She was like a scared animal. I did not want to do to much and then scare her even more.

"No! I...I cannot have a baby. I do not know what to do....The baby will need her grandmother...the baby....I will need my mother. I need her, Sirus," she yelled at me as tears flowed from her eyes.

I pulled at her body, as she screamed and thrashed wildly. Trying to get away from me. "Stop," I snarled. After a few seconds of this nonsense, she stiffened in my arms.

Once she decided to calm herself. I realized something. She molded perfectly into me. Her sobbing never faltering. Her entire body shook as she cried and kept murmuring over and over that she could not do it.

"You can, Esmeralda. You will have me...Rowan, Chelsea. All of us will help you with the baby. I will not leave you with our child," I told her, trying to get my voice to become more gentle as her sobs slowly quieted down a bit.

She still hadn't ceased her shaking. She sat up, staring at him . "Sirus, what do you not understand? I do not want you taking care of my baby. I do not want you even near it. I do not even want this child just because it is part you," she said while clutching at her chest. I could feel her pulse quickening. "What on earth makes you think that you helping me with this child would put me at ease?! The only one I want to help me is my mother and you took her away from me!"

She became aggressive because I would not let her go. Hitting me. Trying to claw her blunt fingernails into my skin. Eventually she ceased. Tiring out yet again.

Her anger turned to sobs...again. I held her close to my chest as she repeated words of blasphemy to me.

This was the first time since she had threatened her own life the first day I brought her here....that I had seen her show emotions other than anger and disgust. It made me feel...odd to hear and feel all of these emotions she was emitting.

Something in the back of my head kept nagging at me. Maybe it was my Beast. Realizing our plan was backfiring...but it was not. Esmeralda would get over this.

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