Gold Third Battle Part 1: B-Sha

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We all walked outside, in the middle of an open field at Lowee Park.

C-Sha: B-Sha, you're first.

B-Sha and I distanced ourselves while everyone else backed up. As they did, I heard C-Sha and S-Sha whisper.

C-Sha: Why are you doing this? You know he can beat us.

S-Sha: Maybe all at once... But not one at a time.

C-Sha: What? That doesn't even make any sense.

S-Sha: Trust me... I know what I'm doing.

Me: (What are you up to S-Sha? Just what are you-)

B-Sha: *distance* Hey! Razzy, was it!?

Me: (I HATE YOU!) *distance* It's Raziél.

B-Sha: *distance* Sorry! I was just trying to get your attention! You looked like you were getting sleepy!

Me: (Did I really?) Whatever. Ready when you are.

She took out her bazooka and aimed it at me while I got into my fighting stance with my Game Blade. We were both waiting for Rom to count us off. As I looked at her, she seemed scared. Why?

Rom: And... Begin!

I sprinted at her and kicked her in the face before she could load her bazooka. She flew off to her left and crashed into a nearby tree. The rest of the Gold Third looked at me with scock all over their face.

C-Sha: What the-!?

K-Sha: How did he do that!?

S-Sha: He shouldn't be able to! He has only one non-broken arm!

B-Sha soon got up and fired her bazooka. But I backflipped to dodge it, only to see B-Sha above me, ready to smack me with her giant gun. But I rolled out of the way and...

Me: RAZIÉL RUSH! her again. She started staggering. Then fell on her knees. I was getting disappointed.

Me: Seriously? That's it?

B-Sha: Not even close.

That's when she got up as of nothing happened. Then turned towards me with her eyes closed. Then, 2 large golden orbs floated above her shoulders, her bazooka got larger, and when she opened her eyes, they were sparkling yellow.

Me: Okay, what the hell?

B-Sha aimed her bazooka at me with one arm and fired. This time, multiple rockets came out. Luckily, I was able to ninja dodge that shit. When they all exploded from the ground, I was getting pumped.


B-Sha: Don't worry. There's more.

She fired again. I dodged the same way again. But this time, she managed to hit me, sending me flying to the sky. That's when her bazooka started shooting laser beams.

Me: Okay. I'm staring to see why Rom was scared.

I dived back down, dodging all lasers in the process. As I descended, I front-flipped and tried to get her from above. But one of her orbs blocked it. The other one smacked me out of the way. As I recovered form that hit, a wave of rockets came back, but then the orbs started shooting laser beams. I tried to close the distance, but it was getting tougher to do so.  Once I did, B-Sha was ready. She tried to smack me, but I blocked it. The force of the block caused the both of us to slide back.

B-Sha: Wow. I'm beginning to see why everyone is always looking up to you. You're good.

Me: Thanks. You, too.

B-Sha: And for that compliment, you'll have to pay me 700 thousand credits.

Me: -_-

B-Sha: What?

Me: ...

Me: Okay, just for that, I'm finishing this.

B-Sha: HAH! How exactly!?

Me: What's your favorite Netflix show?

B-Sha: What? What does that-?

Before she could finish, I combo'd her, then kicked her out of submission.

Me: Wow. That actually worked. And with one arm, too. Thanks, Compa.

Rom: And the winner is RAZZY!!

Me: (You know what? It's cute when Rom and Ram say it).

B-Sha staggered up, with her normal eyes, and no flying orbs. She walked over to congratulate me.

B-Sha: Nice going.

Me: Thanks.

The other Gold Third were just speechless. Except for S-Sha.

S-Sha: Hmm... Looks like I underestimated you. But it's nowhere near over. K-Sha is next.

Me: Shall we begin?

K-Sha: You're on.

B-Sha and K-Sha switched places. Okay. One down. Three to go.

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