Meeting the Gold Third

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Rom: Razzy... You did it!

Ram: And you brought Peashy, too!

Peashy: Hey!

Me: What about you girls? Did it go well with Gold Third?

Ram: Yep! They are TOTALLY on their way!

Me: ...

Me: They're not coming, are they?

Rom: They said "no" as soon as we said your name.

Me: WHAT!?!?

Victory Noire: So, we're on our own then?

???: Sadly, yes.

I turned to see 4 girls.

Ram: It's them!

Rom: Gold Third!

They were all next to each other. One was short, had blonde pigtails, and a bazooka. One had black hair, was in a red school girl uniform, and had 2 mini machine guns. One was tall, brown hair, and was busty. And the last had white hair, a short sword, and was just as busty.

Me: And who are you...?

Blonde: I'm B-Sha.

Machine Gun: I'm K-Sha.

Brunette: I'm C-Sha.

White-Haired Woman: ...

Me: And you are...?

Ram: That's S-Sha. She's somewhat like the ringleader.

White-Haired Girl: And I suppose you're Raziél...?

Me: Yeah. That's me.

They all scouled at me. I think K-Sha growled.

Me: What?

K-Sha pointed her gun at me.

K-Sha: So it was YOUR fault!

Me: Wh-Wh-WHAT!?

B-Sha: Yeah! It's because of you that Nep-Nep's been kidnapped! And the other CPUs!

Me: (This chick calls Neptune that, too?) Whoa! Wait! How is this MY fault!?

S-Sha: You knew they would be kidnapped and yet you did nothing.

Me: What!? Okay, 1: I didn't know this was gonna happen. 2: When I did, I tried to save Blanc!

S-Sha: So... You were too weak to save them. Is that it?

C-Sha: That's pretty sad, considering how strong the people make you out to be.

Me: (I'm gonna drown them. I'm going to drown them like a sac of dumb puppies).

K-Sha: It's YOUR fault! It's your fault that my Noire is gone!

Me: It's not my- wait, did you just say, "my Noire?"

B-Sha: She has a HUGE thing for Noire.

Me: (Okaaaaaaay then...)

C-Sha: Face it. This is all because of you!

Rom: C-Sha, you have it all wrong! It's not Razzy's fault!

Me: (I know she's trying to defend me, but TRIGGERED!)

Ram: Yeah! Razzy's on our side!

Victory Vert: He wouldn't have chased us here if it wasn't.

Victory Blanc: I got my ass handed by this guy! Trust me, you DON'T want to be on his bad side!

S-Sha: Enough. I won't waste my time.

Me: GAME BLADE! *holds Game Blade out* They need you. Don't abandon them.

C-Sha: Did he-

B-Sha: -just say-

K-Sha: -Game Blade?

S-Sha: ...

Me: Oh. This? Yeah. It's my Game Blade.

S-Sha: ...

S-Sha: Well, then... Maybe I should give you a chance. And by that, I mean ALL of us give you a chance.

Me: What do you mean?

S-Sha: If you're able to summon the Game Blade, then you must be stronger than I anticipate you to be. Now... Prove it. By fighting all of us.

Me: Heh. This will be-

S-Sha: One... By... One...

Me: ...What?

C-Sha: I see... I'm in.

K-Sha: For Noire... Anything.

B-Sha: Sure... For 900 Million Credits.

Me: (Dick move, Silver Xeonic. Dick move). Yeah... We ain't paying you that.

B-Sha: Well, then. I guess-

It was at that moment that the other 3 glared at B-Sha.

B-Sha: *nervous laugh* I was just kidding.

S-Sha: Very well. We do this outside, at the Lowee Park.

Me: It's on...

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