Warechu: The Most Stubborn Rat EVER!!

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Compa: Please, Mr. Mouse! I gave you your check-up! You have to leave!

Warechu: But, Compa! My sweet Compa! I still don't feel okay! It may be a virus, chu!

Compa: Mr. Mouse! I gave you a very thorough check-up! There is nothing wrong with you!

Me: (Doubt it).

I walk in, and see this obviously horny rat trying to stay at the nursery just to be in the same room with this chick, alone. What the hell?

Me: THIS is my quest?

IF: Yep! Just get Warechu out of the nursery. That's it. It's easy.

I look back at Compa and Warechu.

Warechu: Compa! If you don't let me stay, I MIGHT DIE, chu!

Compa: Please, Mr. Mouse! Work with me!

Me: (THIS is supposed to be easy?) IF, how do you expect me to- IF?

IF left me in here, alone with these two.

Me: (Oh boy. Well, here goes. This may be my toughest quest, yet.)

Warechu: Please, Compa!? PRETTY PLEASE, chu!?

Compa: I'm sorry, Mr. Mouse! I can't!

Warechu: But, Compa-!

I just had to interrupt.

Me: Oh my goddess! Dude, just stop! This is getting sad!

Warechu looked over at me with disgust. Yeah, because I'M the one who looks disgusting, and not the floating rat that's "casually" trying to hit on a ditzy blonde.

Warechu: Who the hell are you, chu?

Me: Raziél, a.k.a the guy that's gonna throw you out of here if you don't leave right now.

Warechu: Back off, chu. I'm busy here. The last thing I need is some loser trying to tell me off, chu.

Me: I'm sorry?

Warechu: Are you just that stupid, or are you denying the fact that you can't get me out of here, chu. I'm not going anywhere until my dear, sweet, beautiful Compa gives me my intensely, thorough check-up, chu.

Me: (Ulgh! Dear goddess! I need an adult!) Listen, you Mickey Mouse poser. If you don't get out of here right now, I'm throwing you.

Warechu: Yeah, still not leaving, chu. Now, if you EXCUSE ME, I need to get my check-up, chu.

Compa: Mr. Mouse! I can't! I just gave it to you!

Me: (Oh my goddess, I can't believe this is happening, chu... Wait, did I just- GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!)

I was losing it, and I was just the third-party. Compa kept trying to get Warechu out while Warechu was basically being a goddess damn brat. That's when I just snapped, and grabbed his tail and threw him out.

Me: I had to. I just had to.

Compa: Thank you, sir.

Me: No problem. And it's Raziél.

I walked outside.

Compa: Where are you going?

Me: That guy's coming back. I gotta keep him out.

Sure enough, I was right. He came back, more furious than ever.

Warechu: Chuu... Chuu... Chuu...!

Me: Uhh... Are you okay-?

Warechu came right at me before I could finish. He was fast, but not that fast.

Me: Nice try, Pikachu! GAME BLADE!!

I summoned the Game Blade and fought back. Well... Not really. You see, he literally went down with one blow. And here I was, hoping for a real fight. Oh well... That's what I thought, at least. Warechu, without me noticing, headbutted into my stomache.

Me: *screams in pain* DEAR GODDESS!!!

Warechu: *evil laugh* What do you think of me now, chu!

Me: ...

Me: *in pain* Pikachu wannabe.

Warechu: Chuu...!

Warechu got so mad that he transformed into this giant, rat, beast thing. Let's just call it Mega Warechu

Mega Warechu: CHUU!!!


Mega Warechu wrecked me. I couldn't hit him, but he could hit me. It was unbelieveable. He soon brought me to the ground. I was at the brink of unconsciousness, but I wasn't backing down. I staggered myself up, practically bleeding out.

Mega Warechu: CHUU...! CHUU...!

Me: *staggering* I'm... Not... Giving... Up!*cough* *weez* Not... Until... I... Beat... You... You dumb... Rat!

With all of my might, I launched myself towards him.


I hit him so hard, that he was sent to the air.


I leaped after him, and combo'd him so hard in the air, the pressure from every blow crushed all the glass nearby.


And with that, he was finished. Warechu turned back to normal, and I fell back down to the ground, blacked out.

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