The Sadistic Goddess of Planeptune: Plutia

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We soon arrived at a forest and found the thieves with some large guns. The plan was to do stealth, but this is a Neptunia story! When the hell was stealth a thing!? We showed up in front of them, ready to kick ass. But then I saw the ringleader, and automatically started to scowl.

Me: Oh. Hello, Jade.

Plutia: You know this guy...

Me: Yeah. He tried to get me killed several times.

Jade: Well, well. Raziél. Should've known you arrive. But I didn't think you bring Neptune and Plutia with you.

Jade is my foster brother. He and I were raised and trained by our foster dad, who was a total dick. But Jade turned his back on me, and sided with him. In fact, Jade was supposed to kill me. But I managed to get away. That's how I got the life I had here.

Purple Heart: You stole those weapons. Of course we would arrive.

Jade: *mockingly* Oh. Dear me. I'm SO sorry, your majesty.

Jade started insulting Purple Heart right in front of her.

Purple Heart: *deep breath* Yeah. You should've have done that.

Purple Heart dashed towards them with unbelieveable speed. None of them were ready.


They all flew off except fpr Jade and a few others, for they managed to avoid the attack. But I jumped off the bike into the air.


My Game Blade came out and clashed with his buddies. They put up no fight whatsoever. They all went down. As that happened, Jade tried to run away. But Plutia stood in front of him, blocking his way, and was super pissed.

Jade: Yo, lady! Move out of the way!

Plutia: ...

Jade: Uhh... Hello?

Plutia: ...


Purple Heart turned around and just looked at Jade, frightened.

Purple Heart: You shouldn't have done that.

Jade: What!?

Plutia transformed as soon as he asked. I heard stories on how scary Iris Heart can be. Let's see if it's true.

Jade: ...!

Iris Heart: You know... It really sickens me to see boys like yourself try to run. Especially from me.

Jade: Oh, so you transformed amd now I'm supposed to be scared of you now? Bitch please.

Iris Heart didn't even say anything. She just flew closer and closer to him and Jade starts losing his cool and starts freaking out.

Jade: It's... I-I-It's not l-l-l-liiiiiiikkkke y-y-y-you'll d-d-do anyth-th-thing to m-m-me.

Me: (Dude. Just stop).

Iris Heart: *whispers* This is the part where you try to run.

Jade screamed like a 3-year-old getting kicked in the balls and ran as fast as he could. I was about to come after him, when Purple Heart stop me.

Purple Heart: Let her handle this.

Iris Heart quickly caught up to him, where he fell.

Iris Heart: Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you.

Jade: *high-pitched scream*

Iris Heart: Boys like you can't just run off like that. Boys like you deserve a spanking. A looooooong and painful one at that.

Jade: Oh man... Oh please... No... No...! *high-pitched scream*

Iris Heart got out her whip and-

(Trust me. You don't wanna know how bad this is. So I just won't say .)

Me: *frozen in terror* Dear fucking goddess...

Purple Heart: Yeah. Now you know.

Me: I wish I didn't.

Iris Heart came back with Jade, who was tied up, gagged, and bruised all over. The torture was so bad, he was crying nonstop. But then Iris Heart looked at me passionately. I felt a cold and hard shiver down my spine.

Me: Uhh... Plutia? Whhyyy are you looking at me like that?

Iris Heart floated towards me, ever so closely. Then she put her hand on my cheek. It was cold, yet soft.

Me: Uhh... Uhh... Uhh...

Iris Heart: *giggle* That last boy got on my nerves. But you... You tried to keep me happy. I really appeciate it. You've been veeery polite to me. Keep this up...

Iris Heart gave me a quick peck on the lips which caused me to turn more pale than I already was.

Iris Heart: ... And I'll have more in store for you, okay?

Me: S-S-Sure thing. (I don't know if I want that, or not).

Iris Heart was getting ever so closer to me (since that's apparently a possibility).

Purple Heart: Hey, Plutie. Don't you think that's enough?

Iris Heart: *giggle* Nah... I'm going to stay like this for a little while. For HIS sake.

Me: (How do I get out of this!?) Well, we did our job. We should go back.

Iris Heart: *evil giggle* I couldn't agree more.

We all headed back, but Plutia didn't transform back.... Or get away from me... *gulp* shit.

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