8: Double Vengeance

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Shirome glared at him, then she looked down. She knows he's right. The boy could have killed her if he wanted to. Shirome, now knowing what to do, spoke. "Can't you at least apologize to Ms. Reya?"

Sitri closed his eyes, breath deeply, then opened them back. "As I've said before, I have done nothing that you are accusing me of. Perhaps you should lessen reading smuts and ero-books."

Shirome gasped. "H-How did you know I read them?!"

"I didn't. You just confirmed it." Sitri smirked.

Shirome stuttered, having been caught by the tricky demon she was talking to. "B-Baka!"

Reya sighed, while Ani tilted her head. "Smuts? Ero-books? What are those?"

Reya perked up. "You see, you read these kind of things whe--"

"Don't corrupt her that way Reya." Sitri covered Ani's ears, from his position a meter away from Ani back to her in just a millisecond. "I don't want her to be like that."

Reya stared at him for some seconds, then nodded. "I understand."

Shirome sat down at the floor, the tolls on using her ability showing itself.

"Shirome," Reya stood, then carried the girl to the sofa. "Rest here, not on the floor."

"Sorry master, but I can't move now. Stupid backfires..." Shirome mumbled the last part.


[After an hour]

Reya, Sitri and Ani walked in the silent corridors of the school, without any particular destination in mind. They just talked about things, with the happenings on their own worlds.

"That purple haired girl mentioned something called 'monsters'. Can you explain that to me?" Sitri asked.

Sitri had just finished telling his story, and now it's Reya's turn.

"Ah, the monsters species. Youkai, monsters, call them whatever you want. Monsters are those who looks like half animals, or straight up monsters. For example, Tamamo will be categorized here as a monster, since she's a kitsune. Good thing Shirome mistook her as a cosplayer, since monsters don't usually go in our city, and nine-tailed fox girls are kinda common here, courtesy of the cosplayers." Reya sighed at the end.

"How about you? What are you?" Sitri pointed at her wings and halo.

"I thought I've already told you that I'm a fallen angel?" Reya replied.

"Oh? So that's a race too?" Sitri said, looking a bit uninterested.

Ani chirped in. "And, Sitri-sama belongs to the devils' race isn't he?"

Reya nodded. "Yes, you're right. Normally, fallen angels and devils are always on each other's throats, but I think you're different from them." Reya looked at him from up to down. "Yes, you're different."

"I rule the underworld back on my dimension. I am the king there, the most feared being in history. Doing it here will be piece of cake, if they're as weak as you." Sitri grinned.

"Okay, not so different. Your ego is as big as them." But then Reya shook her head. "The leader of the devils is a mystery. That thing had never been seen by anyone except his elites, the seven deadly sins. He's rumoured to be as strong as god of the Angels." Reya shivered. "And nobody would want to mess with god."

Reya looked back at Sitri, but then she was surprised to see him smiling widely. 'This man, does he even know how to be scared?' Reya thought.

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