[12] Kai Parker

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Imagine being a friend of Kai's while growing up- and being the only person he couldn't bare to kill

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Imagine being a friend of Kai's while growing up- and being the only person he couldn't bare to kill. When your father forbid you from seeing him, Kai killed him too. Now, you meet again after his release.

You open the door, your heart racing as you take him in. There he is. Kai, the boy you thought you knew so well, on the bed, pale. Kai's shirt is off and his chest is wrapped up with a thick white bandage. Kai sits up as soon as he realises who it is standing in front of him.

You scan over his features, which haven't aged even slightly. His tanned face, glowing radiantly despite its sickly colour, his hair perfectly styled despise a lack of intention. Oh, and of course his eyes, the thing you fell in love with in the very beginning.

He sits up slowly and watches you. He watches you push past Damon and Elena to get a better look at him. The boy you thought you'd lost. You realised only now how much you missed him and how much you'd longed to see his face.

Though, just like you'd expected, seeing him did more to your heart than you would have preferred. He made tears well up in your eyes and pain from memories you repressed resurface. You'd tried so freaking hard to shove down all the pain that he'd caused. You'd been so angry for loving him even after all the stuff he did.

"There's a face I could never forget." Kai smirked, not even slightly fazed by your arrival.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Charming."
Damon and Elena leave, shutting the door behind them. The tension arises, making the room feel a lot smaller than it is.

"You know, it's real predictable of them to bring you here. I just never thought they'd do it at a time where I looked so unattractive. I know the both of us thought that was impossible too- so..."
Even though it was intended as a joke, it only made you feel like you would be sick. You held back the tears and sat down, hiding your face with your hair.
"Don't hide your face. It's the face I've missed for two decades."
You blinked slowly, a sigh to your voice as you spoke.
"I shouldn't be here, I'm sorry I even came."
As you got up and opened the door to leave, Kai raised his palm and shut the door. Reminding you of how much you missed magic.
"No. Don't leave." He smiled, showing pearly white teeth.
"Why not? I had to see if you were really out and you are. I'm done here. I don't want anything to do with you."
Kai inhaled. "Ouch."
Kai looked down at his hands as he played with them, sitting up slightly. Maybe he was nervous too?
"You know, the last time I saw you I was seventeen and you were ten. You told me how much you hated me and that you never wanted to see me again. Then I disappeared."
That's when the tears came so strong that you doubted whether you could hold them back or not.
"And I regretted what I told you for a long time. You were evil Kai, you hurt me in a way that I never thought you would."
He sighed. "A few days ago I wouldn't have cared about that, if we're being completely honest. Though I merged with this unusually selfless brother of mine and I've developed some really shitty feelings. I've developed regret. You know that? I could cry right now just by the sight of your face."
You wiped the tears and stood once more.
"God Kai, what on earth do you want me to say?" You whispered, your hands shaking and your voice cracking with every word.
"Nothing. Because hearing the pain in your voice kills me. It ruins everything that I am. I dreamt about killing you and I dreamt about kissing you and now all I see when I look at you is-"
You shook your head, tugging at the doorknob. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't want to cry in front of him or maybe it was the fact that everything he said hurt you as much as it hurt him. Whatever it was, the best solution you had was to leave.
"What?! What is it you see?" You gasped, letting the tears come running down. Too late. He had seen you cry now.
"Regret." Kai finished. Ending with a sigh. His cheeks had gone slightly red and his eyes were also welling with tears. "Regret is all I see when I look at you. And I'm not going to say sorry for killing your father because I know exactly why I did it. I did it because he was going to keep you from me. That's why I did it. I won't say sorry but I'll say that I regret what I did."

It was disgusting, the appalling attempt at an apology. You tugged at the doorknob and it opened. Before leaving, you looked back at him with the most powerful look of hatred in your eyes that he had ever seen.
"I don't want your regret. I want your distance."
Was all you said. It wasn't even slightly true but it was enough to calm you down a bit. Without looking back you stormed down the stairs, cheeks hot with anger and red puffy eyes.

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