Meant To Be

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Ana POV:

Beep Beep. The alarm goes off. God I am so tired. "Ana." Christian shake me. "I'm up. I open my eyes. "You do know you have to get up to actually be up." he smile over me at me. "I know but I am tired." I rub my bump. "What do you want for breakfast?" he put his hand one my bump. "Chocolate chip pancakes please." I tell him. "Okay. I'll tell Mrs. Jones." he kiss my lip then got out the bed. "Come on babies lets get up." I talk to my bump as I got out the bed. I grab my towel and go to the bathroom. Turning on the water I put my hair in a mess bun. I take off my clothes and step. Grabing my washcloth and bodywash I star washing my body. I jump when I hear a knock. "Ana, c..can I..I j..join" Christian ask. "If you want." I continue to wash. I turn to face him. We stare at each other. Very slowly I walk up to him. Looking deep in to his eyes I kiss him. To my surprise he kiss me back. I deepen the kiss as he pick me up. Pushing me against the wall he start play with my clit. "Ohh." I moan in his mouth. "Ana are you sure?" Christian pulled away from the kiss. "Yes Christian." at my word he slam into me. "Oh yes." Closing my eys I moan.

"Open you eyes Ana. I want to see you." he stop moving. I open my eye. Lacing our hand together he started back moving. "Ahh yes."I moan. Lean down he suck my breast. "Yes." I bite my lip. "Faster Christian." he crash his lip on mind as he. "Ohh." I moan is his ear. God this feels so good. "Harder Christian." I beg. Squeezing my breast he go hard. "Ahh." I bite his shoulder. "Cum for me baby." on his command I cum hard. "Wow." We try to catch our breath. Looking into my eyes he cup my face. "I really love you." I smile. "I love you too. With all my heart nothing going to change that." I kiss him. "Can we please be us again?" he ask with hope. "Yes but, we need to take things slow. We need to build back up our trust." I tell him. "Okay." he nods as he puts me down. Take each other washcloth we wash each other bodies. Once we are done I walk under the water. Smiling I tuen to face Christian. Reaching out I pulled him to me. "I love you." I tell him as the watet pour over us. "I love you three two. Always and for ever." He kiss me. Pulling away first I let the water wash away the soap. Christian does the samething the turn off the water. Christian leaves and comes back with a towle. "Thank you." I wrap the towle around my body. Steping out of the shower I walk to my closet. "You know I really love the fact that I have my own closet." Christian said standing in my closet door way. "Why?"I ask drying myself off. "Because you closet is a mess. " he said. "Shut up." I throw my towel at him. "I love you too." he laugh. Walking pass him I go to my dresser and get a red set of bra and panties. Putting them on I walk back into my closet.

"Hey babe, make sure you wear warm clothes. It cold." Christian said standing full dress. "Ok I will." From the closet. "What do you want for breakfast?" He pick his head in the closet. "Bacn, sausage and Cheeses grits?" I smile at him. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." he kiss me then leaves. Finding a pair of leggings and a purpler long sleeve shirt and my purple uggs and Christian's Letterman hoodie. Taking the clothes and shoes I put them on the bed. Picking them up I get dress and put on my shoes. I grab my purse and bookbag. I cut off my light and walk downstairs. "Good morning Ana." Mrs. Jones place my plate in front of me. "Thank you."I start eating. God this is good. Well I guess when you pregnant everything is good. "Ana what would you like for dinner?" Christian asked me. "Bake Spaghetti please."I tell him with a mouth full of food. "Okay."he chuckled. Sticking my tongue out at him I go back to eating. When I am finish I pout wanting more. Standing I take my plate to the sink. "You ready to go Baby?" I ask grabing my bookbag and purse. "Yeah." he grab my hand and his keys. "Bye Mrs. Jones." I wave at her. "Bye Ana." she wave back. I close the door and lock it. Walking to Christian truck he help me in.

"Can I have mine back?" he ask as he starts the truck. "Your what?" I ask putting on my seatbelt. "My key back." he pull out of the driveway. "Oh year." looking into to my purse I get his key and hand it to him. "Thank you."he kiss my hand. "I'm nervous."I grab his free hand and lightly squeez. "You have nothing to be nervous about. If they say something to you, which the won't because you will have Kate, Eliott and me to protect you."he said parking the truck. "Okay." I bite my lip getting out of the truck. "I love you" he grab my hand. "I love you too." I kiss him. Pulling away we walk into the building. "Oh look who back together." Kate and Elliott walk up to us. "Ana!" Kate hugs me. "I missed you." We pull away. "You guys just seen each other yesterday." Elliott and Christian laugh. "Shut up she's my best friend. I need to see her all the time." Kate hit Elliott. "Do you need to see me all the time too?" Eillott and Christian ask us at the same time. "Nope." we say at the same time. "Rea...." Eillott gets cut off by the bell. "Be safe. Stay with Kate at all times until you see me. Okay?" Christian kiss my hair. "I will love you." I kiss his lip. "Come on lovebirds. You already have twins on the way." Kate said as we walk to class.

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