It can't be true

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Ana Pov:

"Christian I'm pregnant?" I said. "What?" he ask. "I'm pregnant." I said not looking at him. "How?" he ask. I look at his pants then back at him. "We use protect?" he yelled. "I know but, those are only 99% effective." I said biting my lip. "Who do I know it's mine?" he yelled. "Your the only guy I ever been with." Tear pour out of my eyes. "Do you think I am ready to be a father?" he said grab a picture of us and throw it. It shatters making me jump. "I know neither of us are ready but, we can do it." I said wrapping my face. "You not have it." he throw another picture of us. "What?" I yelled. "I'm giving you an ultimatum. Me or the baby? He said cold. "I choice the baby." I throw the necklace he gave me in 8th at him. "Fine." he said walking to the door. Before he leave I speak. "I will be bring you your things tomorrow." I said stopping him in his tracks. "Those are you gifts." he said looking at me. "I don't want them." I said walk away. "Ana?" he called. Ignoring him I walk to my room. Laying down I cry myself to sleep.
"Nooooooo." I wake screaming at the top of my lungs. "I though this was real. I though we were forever." I screaming. "Ana it's okay. I'm here." Christian said soothing me. Crying hard I lay my head on his chest. Looking at my clock I see it's six in the morning. "You can go back to sleep I'm fine." I said. As I went to sit up he stop me. "Go to sleep with me." he said. I smile and turn on my side. Turning on his side he pull me to his chest. As his hand lay on my stomach I tense up. "Are you okay?" he ask worried. "I'm fine." I move his hand away from my stomach. He kiss my hair. My eye become heavy and I fell to sleep.
The aroma of Chocolate chips pancakes fulls the air. Opening my eyes I sit up. I look at my clock to see it 10:30. Laying back down I see Christian not in bed. I was about to close my eyes when I head my door open. Ana?" Christian sits down on the bed. "Ana?" he shook me. "Mmm." I answer feeling real tired. "Sit up." he said. I sit up to see he has a tray. On the tray is a rose, orange juice and plates of food. Looking at my plate I see he cook my favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes with egg and bacon. "Thank you but, whats the special occasion?" I ask confuse. "I love you." he said with a smile. "I love you too." I hug him. "Here eat." he said moving to his side of the bed. He grab the remote and hit list. Playing fast & furious he takes his plate. Pouring syrup on my food I eat. It's so good. When I finish I put my plate back on the tray. Feel tried I drink a sip of Orange juice then lay down. "Why are you so tried?" Christian ask. "I think I'm coming down with something." I said biting my lip. "I hope you feel better." he said placing his plate on the tray. "Call me when you need me. I have to go home."he said picking up the tray. "Okay I love you." I said. "Love you too." he kiss my forehead head. Walking out my room he close the door. Closing my eyes.

When I hear the front door close I get out of bed. I peek my head outside of my door to see if he still here. When I do see him I walk to my parent's bathroom. Opening the cabinet I take the other two pregnancy test out. Ripping the box open I pee on both sticks. I set my watch for two minutes and wait. When my watch goes of I take a deep breath and look at it. Fuck it said the same thing. Four in half months pregnant. How am I going to tell my parent's? How am I going to tell Christian. Wait what if the test wrong. Throwing away the pregnancy test I run to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dress. Grabbing my purse and my key I leave the house. As I start up my car I call my gynecologist. "Dr. Greene is this a bad time?" "No Anastasia. What seem to be the matter?" she ask concern. "I've been throwing up a lot." I answer. "Okay I am at the office." she said. "I'll see you there." end the call I head toward he office. Please let the test be wrong. I can't be pregnant at seventeen. I want to have my career before having a child. Parking in front of Dr.Greene office I kill the engine. Taking a deep breath I walk into her office. "Excuse me Miss do you have an appointment or are you a walk in." I was about to answer when Dr. Greene walk out. "Come on back." she said looking at me. We walk to room seven.

"Tell me what seem to be the problem?" She ask picking up her notepad. "I have been throwing up a since Friday. I can't keep nothing down." I played with my fingers. "I think I know what wrong but first have you taken a pregnancy test?" how does she know "Yes. I have taken four." I bite my lip. "I am going to give you a blood test and a urine test." she stood up and open a cabinet. Passing me a cup she walk out the door. My hand are shaking as I open the bathroom door. I try to shake it off as I pee. I put the cup into the cabinet in the bathroom. Washing my hand I try to calm. Walk back into the room a see a nurse. "I'm ready whenever you are." I said sitting on the table. I give her my hand. Taking an alcohol pad she wipe my hand. I take in a breath as she puts the neeled in. She full up three bottles the takes the neeedle out. She hand me a band-aid she leave. I lay down and put the band-aid on. Your the light. Your the night. Your the color of my blood. That's Christian ringtone. Reaching into my purse I take and answer it. "Hello." I answer. "Ana are you okay." he ask concern. "I'm fine." I lie. "Ana you do know I know when your lying right?" stay clam. I tell myself. "Yes I know." I smile he knows his girl. "Then why do it?" just when I was about to speak Dr. Greene walk. "Gotta go. Love you." end the call. "I have you results." she said setting down. "And?" I ask feel nervous. "Your pregnant. Four months to be exact." So it really is true. "I feel a but coming on." I said looking at her. "Ana you have what is known as HG." " What HG?" I asked. "Hyperemesis Gravidarum. HG is basically severe morning sickness. Symptoms are dizziness and fainting." she said. "I feel like there is something us." she nod. "If you will lay down I'll show you your baby." I nod. She pulls this machine out of the corner. Typing a few buttons she bring the screen to life. "This gel is going to be cold." I nod as she put a probe on my belly. "If you look here you'll see your baby's." did you just baby's. As in two. "I'm sorry did you say baby's?" maybe she said it wrong. "Yes your pregnant with twin." one baby it okay but two. I don't if i can handle be pregnant with twin and school.

"Because this is your first pregnancy and your are pregnant with twin you have a high risk pregnancy. Which means lots of bed rest." how can I be on bed rest when I have so much do do at school. "Here is you prescription, your dos and don't you due date and three pictures." she hand me the papers. "I'll see you in a month." I nod as I leave the room. Stopping in reception I make me an appointment. "When does she want to see you?" ask the lady behind the desk. "A month." I answer her. "I have May19 at 8:45." she look at the computer. "I'll take it." she writes the date down and hand me the card. So it official I'm pregnant and with twins. I start the engine as I get in the car. I don't know how to tell Christian or our families. This is going to be hard. I think to myself as I pull into my drive way. Locking the car I walk inside the house. I'm so hungry. Opening up the refrigerator I take out the leftover Chicken Alfredo. I put it on the stove before running upstairs. In my room I change in my pajamas. I grab my purse then head downstairs. Turning the pot on median I stir the food. I let it set. I open my purse and pull out the ultrasound picture. I can't believe I am going to be a mom. I slide my hand down to my belly. I grab the due date card and read it. Due Date: December 25 2015. "Ana." my mom called me. I quickly put the pictures and due date card back in my purse. "Yes." I answer as she and dad walk in. "Oh no dear." she cut off the stove. "Mom I am hungry." I pout. "We brought you something to eat." from behind her back she pulls out a takeout bag from China Kitchen. "Yay you got me my favorite!" I hug her. "Hey I brought it." My dad said. "Sorry daddy." I hug him. I am the first one to take my food and chop stick out of the bag. I pour a glass of of juice then walk upstairs.

I seat my food down on my desser. I walk in my closet and grab a picture frame. Looking in my drawer I take a picture out. I pull the ultrasound picture out of my purse. On one side is a picture of Christian and I at prom and the other picture is the ultrasound. I set the frame on my nightstand. Picking up my food I sit on the bed. I pick up the remote and play double wedding. Oh my good this food is so good. "Ana?" she knock on my door. I quickly put away the picture frame. "Yes." she walk in. "Do you want dessert?" she ask. "Yes." I smile. "Ray?" she yelled. "Coming." he came in my room with a cover plate. "What's that?" I point to the play. Taking the napkin off I see it's cake. I take the plate from his hand. "Are you done with that?" she pointed to the my food container. I hand her the empty container and start eating my cake. "I'll be back from that." she point to the plate. This is what I've been craving. I uncover the picture frame. This is going to be hard. Expressively with the cravings. Finishing my cake I place the plate on my nightstand. "Ana are you up." my mom opens my door. "I am about to go to sleep now." I cutting of the T.V. "Ok. Goodnight sweetheart." she kiss my head. "Night." I said as she put up the plate. When I hear my door close. I pull the picture frame from under the cover. Putting it on my nightstand I cut off the light. I fell fast asleep.

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