Together if only

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Ana POV:

I wake with a headache. I guess cry all day and night would do that. Picking up my phone I dial Grace cell number. "Ana." Christian answer the phone. "Umm... H..How d..did k.know it w..was me?" I stuttered. "My mom has you save in her phone as daughter in law. So I knew it was you. How have you been?" he ask sadly. Why is he ask me this? He was just over he yesterday. "I am fine you were just over here yesterday." I tell. "No I wasn't. I have been there since Tuesday. It's been three weeks." I seat up. "Are you serious?" I couldn't of sleep that long. "As serious as a headache." why did he have to remind me about that. "Can I please speak to your mother?" I take a deep breath. "Is everything okay? Are the twins hurt? Are you hurt?" wow he's worried. But I don't understand why? I am not his girlfriend. "We're fine I just need to speak to her." I say calmly. "Yeah. Here you go." he leave the phone.

"Ana Sweetheart." She sound joyful. "Hi Grace." I put my hand on my head God this is killing me. "Is something wrong. Christian said you didn't sound good." she said concern. "I just have a headache. I was calling to ask you what can I take for it?" I put my hands on my bump. "You can take Tylenol for it." think god I can take something. "Thanks Grace." I smile. "You welcome. Bye sweetie." she hand up. Ivput my phone back on the nightstand and lay back down. All I want to do is sleep. I guess beening pregnant with twins make you sleep. I turn on my side. Just ask my breathing started to slow down some brust through my door. "Ana." oh no why is he here we was just talking snd now he is in my house. "Yes." I turned my body so that I was looking at him. "I have medicine for you head but eat something to eat before you can have it." he seats on the end of my bed. "Okay." I need to feed the twins. "Sawyer." he called. Sawyer comes in with a tray of food. Thank you." I seat up. "You welcome Ana." he leaves. "You cook this didn't you?" I take my first bite. "Yeah. When I gave the phone to my mom I came over her. I hope you don't mind." he looks sad. "It's okay. It' really good think you." I kiss cheek then continue eatting. "I... Was..wondering..I...If..we.. Could." he stutters. "Take a deep breath and ask me again." I move the tray to the floor. "I was wondering if we could go shopping for the twins. It's okay if you don't want to. I'll understand." he looks down at his hands. "Hey." I cup his face so he was looking at me. "I would love to. But first I think we might need to check on the twins. I hope they're okay." worried I put my hand on my bump. God please let them be okay. I swear I didn't know I was sleeping that long. "Me too." Christian puts his hand on my stomach. "I guess I'll let you get ready." he puts up the tray. "You could stay of you want. I mean it's not let you haven't seen my body.

I got out the bed and walk into my closet. "Is it cold outside?" I peek my head out of the closet. "Yes it is." he looks at me. "Okay." I go back into the closet. Finding what I want to where. Finding my purple long sleeve shirt, skinny jeans, a hoodie and a towel I walk back to my room. I seat my clothes on the bed. Towel in my hand I walk to the bathroom. "I just need a quick shower." I tell christian. "Ok." I turned on the water. While the water getting hot I get undress. Grabbing my washcloth. God the water feels good going down my body. I put some bodywash on my washcloth and start washing my body. I turn off the water as I step out. Shit I forgot a towel. "Christian can you bring me a towel?" I yell. "Yeah. Here you go." he walk in the bathroom with his eyes close. "Christian you have seen me like this before." I laugh. "I know it just...." "that were not together." I finish his sentence. "Yeah." he said sadly. "Look Christian...ahh." I almost fall. "Oh my god Ana are you okay?"he wrap his arm protectivly. "Can you please take me to my room?" I ask. Nodding he pick me up and walk me to the room. "Thank you." he puts me down on my feet. "You welcome." he walk to the love seat and change the channel. "Have you seen my timberland?" I ask after I am dress. "The ones I brought or the one you brought?" he looks at me. "The ones you brought me." I put my phone in my purse. "There right here." he point in front of him. "Thank you." I walk over to him so he can help me put them on.

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