It's over

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Ana Pov:

My alarm goes off scaring me. Wait it's Monday. Leaping out of bed I start my shower. I put my hair into a mess bun before getting into the shower. The hot water feels good on my body. Looking down at my stomach I see that I have a baby bump. How did I not notice this. I hold my hand their as I wash my body. I turn off the water as I pull back the curtain. Wrapping a towel around me I walk to my closet. Getting my black leggings and a white long sleeve shirt I get dress. I grab my purse and book bag I walk downstairs. As I get closer to the kitchen I smell breakfast. "Something smells good." I set at the breakfast bar. "Here you go." she put a plate in front of me. "French toast, eggs and bacon. Thanks mom." I blow her a kiss. "Your welcome." she place glass of Orange juice beside my plate. I'm so hungry. In five minutes my food is gone. "Ana dear did you chew your food?" she ask looking at my plate. "I did. It was good." I grab my things when she stops me. "Ana I need to talk to you?" she said. "Can it wait till I get home?" I ask drinking the rest of my orange juice. "Yes it can." I nod. I kiss her on the cheek and leave. Starting the engine pull out of the drive way.

My hand shake the whole way to school. Getting out of my car I grab my book bag. I turn to walk away when I walk into someone. I look up to see Christian standing in front. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him. "Hey baby." he said kissing me again. "Hi". I wrap my arms around his neck. "Someone miss me." he said playful. "I did." I smile. "Maybe we could do something about that." He puts his hand on my butt. "Maybe. But first we need to talk." I look at his eyes. "Okay." he kiss me. Pulling apart he grab my hand. Together we walk into the build. I let go of his hand and walk to my locker. Opening my locker I put my books in my book bag. Just when I was about to close my locker Jack comes up to me. "Sup Ana." he move closer to me. "What do you want?" I ask annoyed. "You." he step closer. "I'm dating Christian." I said taking a step back. "All he want is that nice ass of yours." he said. "That's not true. He loves me." I go to walk away when he grabs my arm. "Love? That's just something we say to get the ass. Shit I love you too if you gave me a piece." I pull my arm away from and walk to class. He doesn't really love me. He just said it to get sex from me. I take deep breaths to clam down. Walking into class I take the single seat in the back. I put my head in my desk and silently cry. "Ana what wrong?" Christian ask. "Please leave me alone." I said crying hard. "Why are you crying?" he place his hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine just leave me alone." I cry harder. "Ana?" he called. "Leave me alone." I look up at him. He looks hurt. I get up and walk to the bathroom. Wetting a paper towel I wash my face. I heading back to class I throw away the towel. I feel Christian eye on me as I walk to my seat.

"Class dismiss." The bells ring for lunch. Think good I starving. Getting in line for lunch I get a cheeseburger and french fries with fruit punch. I seat at the table in corner. As I eat Kate, Jose, Ethan and all come to the table. I look around to see Christian at the jock table. We lock eye for a minute then I look away. "Ana are you okay?" Kate ask. "I'm fine." I lie. "Why are you crying?" I pull out my mirror and look at my face. Tear I didn't even feel had fall. " I'm fine." I go back to eating. "How did you do on MS. Bradley test?" Kate ask. "I passed." I said as I am hit with nausea. "Shit." I whisper. Grabbing my book bag I run to the restroom. Making it in time I vomit. When I am done I wash out my mouth. Pulling a piece of gum from my back pocket I eat it. I walk out. While I was walking to my next class I walk in someone. Looking up I see it's Christian. "Please talk to me baby?" he look worried. "No." I go to walk away when he pulled me into his arm. "Tell me what did I do?" he ask. "Leave me alone." I said with tears in my eye. He lied to me. "No. Ana tell me what I did?" he put both of his hands on the side of my face. "You lied." I pull away from him. With one last look I walk to my class.

"That's the bell. Have a good afternoon." I gather my things and walk to my locker. Maybe Jack was lying. All I know is I need to talk to him. He needs to know about the twins. I put my books into my locker and grab my book bag. Closing my locker I walk to Christian locker. I stop in my tracks when I see Christian kiss Elena. How could he do this to me. I'm pregnant with baby's while he is kiss her. Tear fell fast down my face. He said he love me. "What are you doing?" he push her away. Turning around he sees me. When our eye lock I run outside. "Ana!" he grab my hand. "How could you do this. Here I am pregnant and being faithful. I though you love me." I said as more tears fall. "Wait your pregnant?" he ask. "Yes. Look I can't do this." I walk to my car. Starting the engine I drive home. Opening my door I lock the my suv. "Ana." I turn to see Christian behind me. "Yes." I look every where but at him. "Can we talk?" he ask walking up to me. "Go talk to Elena. We're done." I look in his eyes. "Please your pregnant." he puts his hand on my belly. "Yeah we can talk." he nod. Unlocking the door I walk into the I house. I place my book bag on the couch. Fixing me some juice I seat at the breakfast bar.

"When were you going to tell me?" he sits next to me. "Soon." I look at my glass. "When did you find out?" he ask. "Late Friday night." I said. "I was here why didn't you tell me then?" he ask. " I had just took the the test when you knock on the door. I didn't believe the test so I want to my gynecologist. The blood test came back positive. I am four in a half months pregnant with twins." Grabbing my purse I pull out the ultrasound picture and pass it to him. "Ana we are not ready for kids." he said picking the picture. "I know but we can learn and grow together." I grab his hand. "What make you think I am ready to be a father?" he ask. "The way you love me. You can love them too." I said. "No I can't. You need too choose?" he pulled is hand away from me. "What?" I ask. "I am give you an ultimatum. Me or the twins?" I can't believe he is asking me to choose between him and our kids. "I choose them. Don't worry they will know who their father is." I said with tears run down my face. Getting up from my chair I walk toward the stair. Christian gets up and head toward the door. "I will be by later to drop of everything you ever gave me." I said stopping him in his tracks. "Ana these were my gifes to you." he said.
"Will I don't want them. Give to Elena." I walk upstairs. "Ana." Ignoring him I run to my room. Were over. I can't believe were over. He's been my boyfriend since six grade. I love him. He the father of my twins. Getting in bed I pull the cover over me and cry. "I love you." I whisper as I rub my 4 month belly. I will always love you. I cry harder.

"Ana what's wrong?" my mom seats on my bed. "Nothing." I lie. "Something bothering you. Your crying." she said rubbing my back. "I'm pregnant." I said siding up my shirt to show her my belly. "What?" she ask. I hand her the picture frame on my nightstand. "Are you disappointed?" I ask. Please don't be mad at me. "No I'm not. How far along are you?" she ask looking at the picture. "four in a half months." I look up to see her on the bed and my dad standing behind her. "Honey can you give Ana and I a moment?" she looks at my dad. he nods and walk out. "Where's Christian?" she ask look at me. "When he found out I was pregnant he got scared." I lay my head on my pillow. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask sitting up. "I wanted to tell that your father and I are moving." she lay down on my bed. "What do you mean you and dad?" where am I going? "Your father and I are moving to a new house since we are never home. This will become your house. Of course we will still pay the bills. You can move you things to our room and turn this one into a nursery. The moves can do that." she said. "When are you moving." I ask. "Today." I nod "Carla the movers are here." dad yelled. "I'll be on the  couch if you need me. Can you cook before you leave and Can you wake me when they are done?" I ask get of bed with my cover. she nod. Blowing her a kiss I go downstairs. I lay on the couch and fall asleep. "Ana dear wake up." My mom shake me. "What I'm tried?" I look at her. "We're leaving sweetheart." She said helping me stand. "Okay I love you. And you." she kiss my belly.  I walk to my new room. Getting under the cover I fall back to sleep.     

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