Chapter 1: Where's Your Christmas Spirit!?

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Canterlot High is having a Christmas party, the students are attending it and some are bringing their family with them (as they're allowed to). Sunset Shimmer opened her locker. "So, Sunset, are you going to come to the school's Christmas party?" she heard a friend of her's.

"Sure, I am, Pinkie." she replied, getting her book and closing her locker.

"YAY!" Pinkie Pie bounced up in joy. "I'LL SEE YOU, THERE!" she skipped away. "Yes, I will."

Sunset was hugging her book to her chest, until she accidentally made some clumsy moves, and she was practically tossing it up into the air, trying to catch it, like a character would do in a cartoon. "Oh, no! Not, my book!" she reached her hand out to catch it in slow motion.

But Flash Sentry caught it for her. "Here you, go, Sunset." he handed it to her.

"Thanks, a lot, Flash. You don't know how important, this book is to me." she opened up her book and rubbed a page with her hand, feeling the smooth texture. "It holds great memories for me. It's my own journal, and is the only thing that I can use to contact Twilight. Not the Twilight, here, but.. you know; the one in Equestria." she looked away from him. "The one that you HAD a thing for," she said, "No offense."

"I'm not offended, at all. Besides, you helped me; to get over her, when we were at Camp Everfree. Thanks for the tough love, again."

Sunset nodded her head and knelt down, removing her backpack from her back, putting her book away. "You don't need to thank me, again. It's not a big deal."

"Well, it is for me." Flash closed his eyes. "Relationships are hard, whether it's friends or... something more than that."

"I guess, you're right. I do know from personal experience."

"Yes, I know. And Sunset." Flash blushed. "I was wondering, if--"


"AAAAH!" Sunset screamed, getting startled. "Pinkie, you scared me!" she turned to the pink girl that was behind her.

"Sorry about that."

"Why are you, here, again? I thought you just left, school?"

"I DID. BUUUT. I forgot to ask you, something."

"And what, might that be?"

"I'm glad that you asked!" Pinkie took out some bags. "I accidentally made too many sweets and treats. SOOO..." she said in her cheerful voice. "Do you want, any?"

"Yes, I do, what do you have?"

"I have macarons, cupcakes, brownies, mini cakes, pie, cornbread, cookies, chocolate, caramel--"

"Enough, already. I know that you probably have... so many options, that I can already think of. I'll just take your oatmeal cookies."

"Oatmeal cookies!? HERE YOU GO!" Pinkie gave her friend, a small bag. "Thanks."

"And Flash, do you want any?" Pinkie inquired.

"Nope, no thank you, I'm good."

The pink-haired girl giggled. "If you say so," she waved to them. "TOODLES!"

Sunset's eyes widened, thinking that she had a odd friend, but was good by being cheerful and making anyone smile. "Oh, typical, Pinkie."

"Yes, she's quite a interest, for her own happy personality." said Flash.

"What were you going to tell me? Before, Pinkie had cut you, off?" Sunset wondered what her 'male friend' was going to say, it had seemed important. Flash blushed and started walking with her as they exited the school. "I--I'll tell you, another time."

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