A Froggy Kiss Part 2

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It was the day of the ball. The Beauty palace was covered with black and silver decorations top to bottom, embroidered with red roses, and every dining table had mouthwatering dishes.

Briar was in her dressing room ready with her finest gown. Her dress was magenta with black accents. Her brown and pink hair was put up in a high fancy ponytail as her black earrings shone.

    She twirled around and looked at the mirror as it reflected herself

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She twirled around and looked at the mirror as it reflected herself. As Briar looked at herself, a thought came to her mind.


Briar felt for sure that they were only friends....did she? She didn't quite know, Hopper did act a little strange lately. He tried to impress her, he blushed whenever she complimented him and when she kissed him....

She had only meant it to be a joke...she wasn't serious....

Briar snapped out of her thoughts into reality as she heard a knock at the door. She swiftly went over to the door and opened it. As she did, her mother, Queen Beauty, stood at the doorway.

" Hello sweetheart, ready for the ball? The guests are almost here." her mother asked sweetly.

" Yeah" Briar replied as she looked away from her mother.

" You seem upset dear. What's wrong." the queen asked acting like she cared about her daughter's feelings.

Briar figured that she needed to talk some sense into her mother to get answers, and this felt like a good time.

" It's not like you already don't know." Briar asked in a melodic manner, it almost seemed like she was mocking her mother....well, that's what her mother suspected.

" Look Briar," her mother snapped " I'm sorry that your father and I didn't invite Hopper, but he's....well...how can I put this right? Not fit for king of our kingdom."

      " What do you mean?" Briar asked growing more and more suspicious.

      " Dear, your sixteenth birthday is coming up...so, we think it's time for you to get married." the queen explained.

      " What!" her daughter exclaimed " I am not getting married! No way, no how!"

      " Look, don't you think it's time already? You're already a sophisticated princess ready to be a queen."

      " I can't believe you're doing this to me!" Briar bellowed as she slammed a glass pot of roses to the ground.

      But before Briar could hear her mother's reply, her mother had already been leaving the doorway.

      " See you there." her mother said as she closed the door quietly.

      Briar stood for a while as tears stained her eyes to her cheeks, then she collapsed to the floor and burst into a deep cry.

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