The Maiden And The Queen: Part 2

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     " I thought I could trust her with my secret. I thought I could..." Raven explained.

     " I understand," a general in the name of Hunter Huntsman.  Raven called him over to the castle at once she returned from her lover's death. He was her top trusted man " we all have been tricked before. Not everyone can be trusted."

" And that is why I want my revenge!" Raven roared as she slammed her fist on the arm of her throne.

" And you shall have it my queen." Hunter bowed " But what shall we do?"

" Give her what she can't resist." Raven replied as magic steamed out and formed a basket of apples " This fruit is not just any fruit, it's poisoned with the power to make the fool not resist it."

" I want you to give it to her, but be careful, don't give your cover away. But that won't be hard." Raven added as she handed the ribboned basket in Hunter's hands.

" Yes your majesty, anything you ask." Hunter took the apples and bowed once again.


     After a while of looking around in Ever After, Hunter, along with some spies, discovered that Apple was staying at Dexter's castle.

" You men stay here," the general pointed to a group of four adolescents "and you men come with me." he said as he motioned to another four.

" What are we going to do sir?" the youngest of the four who were going with Hunter asked him.

" We'll break the news of King Dexter's death, let's hope that she doesn't know yet." Hunter answered
" Then we'll give the basket of these poisonous apples to her."  

     " Sounds good."

     The general and the group of four men walked along the path that led to the fancy palace. As they arrived there, a few guards stopped them.

" Who are you?!" one of the guards shouted as he pointed to Hunter.

" The general of her majesty Raven Queen. She has ordered me to deliver a message to the princess Apple White." Hunter explained as he showed the basket of apples and a letter he wrote ahead of time.

" Alright."

" Thank you." Hunter and the group of men bowed.

Right as they entered, they saw Apples crying on Dexter's throne.

" Maybe we should of came later." the young teen whispered to his leader.

" Don't worry, just act like she doesn't know, act like she's crying about something else." Hunter whispered back as if he read both Apple's and the teen's mind.

" Yes sir." the young boy saluted.

" You majesty, Apple White." Hunter bowed to the princess.

" Tell her I'm sorry." Apple pleaded " " I didn't mean to tell her mother."

" What the heck are you talking about?" Hunter bowed once again with no patience at all " She doesn't know anything...well, except with the fact that she knows that Dexter is dead." he lied.

" Really?"

" That's why she wants you to accept this gift, she wants to express how sorry she is for his death." Hunter lied once again as he handed her the basket of unknown poisoned apples.

" Oh how lovely." Apple said as she took the basket " How did she know that I liked apples?"

" Don't ask me." Hunter replied "Have a good day. "

" Wait, give her this."

Apple picked up and embroidered box with purple with silver accents and handed the chest to the confused general: " I was meaning to give her this."

" She'll love this." Hunter lied with a fake smile that didn't show his guilt that was truly inside.


" I can't believe this." Raven exclaimed.

Back at the castle, Hunter had given the box to Raven which made her open the box to find a gorgeous chained necklace with purple, reddish-pink, and black jewels.

" I feel horrible," Raven cried with guilt " I let anger run through me like a maniac."

" I feel the same way, but maybe its not too late." Hunter explained.

" How, she probably already ate the whole basket by now." Raven stressed.

" Maybe not, let's go over there and act like it was a mistake and bring nontoxic apples with us, but two times the amount."


" What's going on?!" Raven boomed as her coach wasn't moving since there was a huge crowd in front of them.

    They were in the middle of a road that lead them to Apple's castle when a raucous and crying crowd had stopped them from the traveling process.

     " We're in a hurry!" Raven cried out " Please, step aside!"

     But the crowd stayed still and mourned even more. Hunter was inside of the couch with Raven when he stepped out to get a grasp of the main event that caused them to stop.

     " Your majesty," Hunter looked back inside with an uncomfortable look on his face " you might want to see this."

     Raven stepped outside of the couch and found Apple herself laying inside of a gold and white casket in the middle of the crowd.

      " It's too late

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      " It's too late." Raven whispered to herself as tears rushed down her pale cheek.

      Raven wanted to just go back home and cry. But she fought the urge and strolled very slowly and quietly, even though every step could be heard, thanks to her slick black high heels. The crowd moved to the side as she made her way to the casket.

     The queen found herself before Apple's motionless body as tears ran even faster than ever before.

     " Apple." she whispered " I'm sorry."

     A tear from Raven's violet eyes landed on Apple's red blushed cheeks as air rushed through Apple's body.

     " Raven?" Apple breathed.

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