~*~ Chapter 16 ~*~

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Hadrian stood.

His hands were folded. Thoughts and memories rushed through his mind. It is time, we must end this now. No more pain. Merek, you will have not died in vain. The dog's corpse lay on the table. Charles looked at Hadrian nodding. Hadrian and Charles grabbed Merek's white  bedsheet draping it over him. Two gentlemen stood at the door. Snow flew in the night air.

Underneath Merek, was a stretcher.

They walked forward going on either side of the table.

As Hadrian watched Merek being lifted words recited in his mind.

" I know you will do great things in the world..."

" Thank you..."

" Why don't the officers on the street notice us?.."

" Go ahead, eat.."

" They put me in the car..."

Hadrian followed behind Charles. The two dogs walked out the door. Dogs lined the doorway with candles making a path. Sadness pricked at Hadrian. He glanced up at the sky. What will I do without you? A tear rolled down his cheek, soaking his fur. Snow coated the standing dogs. 

Each of them were silent. Snow was crunched under the whole-torn boots.

Candles illuminated the way.

Hadrian sat at the kitchen table. His hands folded. Charles cleaned his eye glass. " We need to go after him." Hadrian said suddenly. " We can't lurk in the dark anymore!" 

Charles glanced at the sleeping bulldog. He was still tied up.

" I know just how to get us there.."

Hadrian and Charles walked down the old abandoned cobblestone street. The buildings were silent. No sighn of movement. Charles pulled out a golden revolver. " Here, you may need it." He said. Hadrian glanced at it.

I could take away someone's life so simply.. But I have to power not to..

The noises of the city echoed in the air. " It not that much farther." Said the bulldog. His trench coat waved in the chilly wind. The young dog's top hat rested on his head. Charles secured his. Hadrian also wore a jacket. 

After a little bit more of walking, the three dogs stood before a two-leveled building. Some rust covered it. The door was slightly ajar. Charles then tied up the bulldog to a lamp post. 

He withdrew his gun. Hadrian did the same.

Hadrian pushed up the door slightly, pointing the gun in the darkness. 

" Welcome.." Said a voice.

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