~*~ Chapter 6 ~*~

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" Honey, always know and remember that what ever you do for the force, whatever you decide, we will be with you. Always. We promise. We understand that being a officer has taken a lot of responsibility and commitment. Stay safe dear." 

Martha leaned forward at the house doing kissing Hadrian.

Jared walked forward giving his Father a kiss on the cheek.

" I love you both." Hadrian said opening up the wooden door and leaving.

He slipped on his short top hat and preceded down the stone steps. In his hand a suitcase. 

He looked down at his black fabric vest covering his white long sleeve shirt. Also added with cuffs. His gear belt was shiny showing bright against his leather belt holding up his black cotton pants. A  buckle against his right pant leg. His brown boots were also buckled.

Charles sat at the station steps. Next to him a suit case also. He wore a leather jacket covering his white shirt. The sleeves pulled back slightly. The jacket tickled the ground with a insscision in it. His eyeware was fitted perfectly against the siberian husky's head. The young dog's fur was flat fluffy.

His left blue eyes light up as Hadrian stood before him.

" About time you came." He said picking up his suitcase.

Hadrian made no further comment.

" I already did some research. We are heading to The Left Behind." Hadrian merely nodded only.

" Are we walking?" Hadrian asked.

" Yeah. You think I can just make cars appear?" Charles said preceding to walk down the street. Other dogs said hello as they passed.

Hadrian dug in his pockets pulling out his badge and glancing down at it.

Say if I don't come back?

What will they do?

Have I made the right choice?

Have I?

As Hadrian and Charles continued to walk the streets started to become deterred. Buildings worn down and abandoned. Newspapers lay lifeless. Street lights flickering. 

Charles made no expressions only remaining quiet and putting one foot infront of the other.

Silence gripped the lifeless part of the city.

Hadrian then stood before to tall, old, rusty gates. Charles by his side.

Inside older dogs littered the streets staring at the two young men. 

There clothes were ripped and teared. Some of them coughed and sat on cloths and other assortments. 

Suddenly two men tall buff dogs appeared. Both bulldogs.

" May we help you?" One of them growled crossing his arms.

" We are here to see Merek." Charles explained curtly.

The other bulldog nodded.

Hadrian and Charles were lead down the street.

Dogs continued to stare at them. Some gave them looks of disgust and others huddled in their belongings. 

More buildings started to appear still old.

Dogs peaked their heads out of the windows. Their tired and surprised faces made Hadrian want to look away.

Hadrian glanced at Charles seeing that he was looking ahead.

The homeless dogs chattered on the street.

Some walked by Hadrian and Charles.

" In there." The bulldogs said before leaving. Hadrian then noticed the police badges on their suits.

Charles knocked on the wooden door.

" Who is there?" A voice replied old and cranky behind the door.

Rain started to poor down.

The wanted and the neededDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora