~*~ Chapter 2 ~*~

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Hadrian continued to walk seeing the sun begin to set.

His work day was done.

Hadrian saw people walk up to lamps lighting them used a ladder. Their eyes were focused and used much elegance. Their tails dangled on the ladder. A old pug dipped his small round hat covered in gears as Hadrian passed. The pug also wore a leather belt.

Hadrian tipped his top hat back making it near the station.

He walked in and made his way to the cafeteria placing his hat on a wooden table scratching his floppy ears. 

" Did you have a good day?" A officer said sitting at a table across from him.

" Yes. A fine one." Hadrian replied making himself some coffee at the counter.

The Officer sipped some of his coffee.

" Family doing well?" He asked.

" Indeed."

" Always good to hear." He replied his blue eyes scanning him. The officers diamond shaped faced was fluffy.  Black covered the top of the face almost going down to his muzzle. The rest of his face was white fur. His ears spiked up but were big being somewhat round on the tips.

His shoulders were board but not compared to Hadrian's.

His suit was pressed and clean and he wore his top hat as a signal of pride. Both his badges were shiny as everyone else's. Half of a pair of gold and green goggles looped around his ear making it secure.

Charles stood sitting down at Hadrian's table.

" I used to think that being a policeman would be awesome and it still is but it has it cons. Like waking up in the morning!" He joked. 

Hadrian laughed also.

" I always tell my wife being a policeman is something that I would never exchange for the world. It is something that my father was, uncle, and his father and now I." 

" That is very cool." Charles said.

The two then chattered some more exchanging stories and humor.

" So I said to her, " Lady! pineapples not apples!" For the twenty third time."

Charles burst out laughing slamming his fist onto the wooden table. Hadrian laughed alongside him.

" That is one funny story!" Charles said recollecting himself.

" Brickson, Matthews! Head home. You two have had a long day. " The Chief said walking into the room smiling. 

" Yes, sir!" Both of the dogs said standing.

The Chief then turned leaving.

" Well, goodnight then. Monday another day!" Hadrian said shaking his hand.

" Goodnight Hadrian." Charles said putting his hat on.

Hadrian and Charles walked to the door passing picture frames of deaseced and retired officers.

On the right of the hallway were the Officers of the retired.

" Hey! I remember hearing about him!" Charles called out stopping.

" Oh yes, Preston Hurless." Hadrian said looking at the black and white picture of the serious dog. He stood straight and his eyes lifeless. His face was young and pointed like everyone else's picture on the walls. 

The two officers then continued to walk signing out at the secretary's desk.

Other Officers entered the building signing in their shifts beginning.

Hadrian walked down the street his house only a few blocks down.

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