~*~ Chapter 8 ~*~

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" Why do you have those suitcases? Were you expecting to sleep at my house?"

Merek questioned just noticting them.

" We-" Hadrian started to say slowly.

Merek interrupted Hadrian.

" Don't even assume someone will just open then welcome with you warm hands! Not in this neighborhood at least. You young people. Geez." Merek said.

" Hadrian! No, the other bedroom! This is my room!" Charles barked placing down his suitcase on his small almost limp bed. 

" Sorry, Charles." Hadrian said walking to the other room.

This room was much smaller compared to Charles. A small window was the only light in the room. The bed was much like Charles's also old, small, and unpleasing looking. The dresser shook as Hadrian placed his clothes in it. The wood was also stained. The only sound that Hadrian could hear was his ticking hand. This was almost settling to Hadrian.

The nightstand table was bare only having two drawers. The small closet only had two small hooks. The pale wallpaper much like the house was stained.

Hadrian peeked out of his room seeing Merek.

He held a picture in his hand looking at it with a expression of sadness.

Hadrian frowned slightly before Merek yelled at him.

" What are you looking at Officer?" He barked.

" Nothing, sir." He said turning to his suitcase.

He put it on the bed opening it and then beginning to unpack. Most of his clothes were vests and buttondows in different colors. In other times he just had a button down shirt with pants. 

Hadrian sighed.

He was already starting to miss his family for he knew he would be at this place for a long time.

As the rain began to stop the night stars started to shine.

Hadrian left his room walking over to the wooden round table and sitting down.

He began to talk to Merek.

" What were you looking at earlier?"

" Why are you asking?" Merek replied gruffly.

" I'm curious. You had such emotion on your face."

Merek leaned back glancing at the window.

" Well, since you have found out its best I tell you." Merek said.

Hadrian leaned forward getting ready to listen.

" Long before you joined the force I was a officer. I patrolled the streets. One day, a Sunday evening, I heard rustling in a alleyway."

Merek stopped for a moment continuing.

The old dog's eyes looked more old and tired as he continued with the story.

" I proceded towards it. I then took out my bat in hand."

" A young dog stood there with a small golden pistol. His muzzle was  covered with a potato bag.   His blue eyes were visible through the holes. They scorched me.  I was paralyzed.  I noticed laying before him was a dead maltease. The young man's white fur was covered in dirt. The killer's face then turned rotten. He shot at me before I dived forward grabbing him by the leg and finally getting the gun in my hand..."

Merek fists clenched slightly.

Hadrian listened his ears straining for more.

" Then, suddenly I yanked off his potato sack. It lay on the floor near my hand. With the moonlight alone I can somewhat see the terror on his face. I covered his legs with my body having him pinned down. The victim's blood began to soak my pant leg as we were near it. A few moments later lights blared down the ally. I squinted blinded by the light."

Hadrian sat taking it in.

So how did he end up here? 

" "Put your hands up! And proceed away from the men!"  I heard a officer shout. I slowly stood. The metal vehicles rumbled as three officers walked toward me. They flipped me around handcuffing me. I belowed telling them it was the man on the floor.  They didn't listen. They only shoved me into the metal vehicle. They closed the door and hoped into the front seat."

" That was the last day I was a officer. They never believed me and that picture was of my police class before we were sent on our first day of duty. Are you pleased now?" Merek finished before standing up and walking off.

" Wait!"

Hadrian called.

" What?"

" So they eventually believed you and let you go?"

Merek eyes narrowed.

" Yes. But with a cost. A bad representation. I was unable to get a job after that."

Now I know why, The ones left behind by society, time, money, by anything. 

What hopeless and lonely place this really is.

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