~*~ Chapter 11 ~*~

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Charles broke the piece of bread.

He then handed it to Hadrian and Merek. " You are not eating today?" Merek asked.

" You two eat. I can survive one day."  

Hadrian glanced at Charles. He gave him a slight look of surprise. Wow. I wasn't expecting this day. Charles smiled slightly. 

Hadrian glanced outside. Dogs walked down the cobblestone streets. Their heads low.

He then noticed two men talking. Their hands buried in their pockets. The barbet spoke to the bearded collie. Both of their brown eyes  expressionless. Then, all of a sudden, a growl was launched for the barbet. He grabbed the small, old, and surprised bearded collie and threw him to the ground. 

Hadrian sat there. 

" Hadrian! Come on!" Charles stood abruptly.

Hadrian could hear the chatter of people and the shouts of shock as the two began to brawl more.

More punches were thrown.

The officers stood. They did not see the fight begining to happen.

Charles strode over to the two men.

" Stay out of our business!" The bearded collie barked.

" You two are at each others necks! You two, with me." Charles said putting his hand back on the the bearded collie's arm. 

The rest was a mumble to Hadrian.

He then could hear people leaving as Charles brung them into the house.

They were then led into Merek's room.

" I will take them to the station." Merek said.

" Why didn't you do anything!? Why didn't you come!?" Charles barked outraged.

"I-i- I don't know!" Hadrian barked back. " There has to be a reason! Tell it!" Charles said. Merek then interrupted them. " Charles watch them. I need to speak to Hadrian. Alone." Charles then went to guard Hadrian's door.

" I know why you froze."

" Tell me, why?" Hadrian mumbled. " Have you ever dealt with that before?"  Hadrian shook his head. " Explains why. Don't hesitate just do. Think though. Your job as a officer is to prevent the fight. Thats it and to not let anyone get hurt. When I first got into that situation I froze to but then I thinked and did. I know you can do it. Just don't sit back and watch and I know they teach you a lot about this." Merek said gruffly. Almost curtly.

He adjusted his cap.

Hadrian sat there in silence.

The Silent killer stood in the evening sunlight. He wore a ripped button down shirt now acting as a T-shirt. His pants were also torn to his knees. His tail bobbled behind him. His mask was snung on his face rippling with movement as he jabbed at the air. His feet bounced as he did so.

His fists were clenched.

The wooden chair sat in the middle of the concrete room. The lamp dangled from the ceiling. Cool breeze came in from the window.

He punched some more.

Exhaustion was starting to set in.

He then fell to the ground starting to do pushups. He then heard a knock on the wooden door. " Come in." He responded. Two men walked in. There faces were covered by the shadows.

" So? Anything new?" The Silent Killer said, standing.

" Yes. Some new visitors. They joined Merek." One of them responded.

" Interesting. Watch them." The Silent Killer said.

" Anything else you want us to do, Preston?" One of the bulldog officers said. 

" Yes. Keep close watch." Preston said. His eyes scanned the two dogs. His mask creaked as his moved his head slightly.

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