Our Mission (Whether Or Not We Accept It)

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Danielle hummed, lifting her eyelid up. In the dark of the room, she spotted Sherlock leaning over her bed.

"Are you awake?"

Danielle hummed an affirmation.

"I had Mycroft's people check on your flat. They fed the pets." Sherlock reported. "One of them is taking Erika-"

Danielle was awake now. She sat up in the bed- this wasn't her bed, the sheets were too soft. Where the hell was she sleeping? "Someone took Erika?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "She's completely safe. They are a highly trained agent. You're in no shape to walk her today."

Danielle was still panting in panic. "They can't take my dog-"

Sherlock sat on the bed. He put his hand on Danielle's shoulder. "Danielle. Everything is fine. Alright? Your dog is fine, you are fine, everyone is fine. Okay?"

Dazed as she shifted into something finally awake. "I'm fine?"

"Yes." Sherlock confirmed.

"...whose bed is this?"

"Mine." Sherlock answered.

Danielle squeaked, pushing her face onto the pillow. Holy shit Sherlock's pillow holy shit- She pulled her face out of the pillow. "Why?"

Sherlock stood up off the bed. He walked over to his closet. Danielle pointedly looked away as he got himself dressed. "You fainted after being treated last night. It was easier to move you into my bed than argue about you stumbling home."

As Danielle was looking away, she looked down at her arms. Sure enough she was still wearing last night's clothes. Her arms had bandages on them. She could remember the blast, remember being tackled to the ground. The rest of the night was coming in brief flashes. Lots of flashing lights, from outside. Mycroft's people had shown up not long after that.


John hadn't come back.

One of Mycroft's people had banaged her wounds. It had just been bits of broken glass that had scraped the skin. She had been fine. Exhausted by the end but fine.

But John hadn't come back.

Sherlock had tucked away Danielle into his bed so she could sleep.

It was still too early for Danielle to say how she felt about all of it. Was this shock? Was she in shock again? Where was the orange blanket, she had liked that.

Sherlock walked into the line of sight. Danielle blushed again. Fuck she was still in his bed. This was one of those times where lingering in bed was a no-no.

She pulled herself out of bed. "You said someone was walking Erika?"

"Yes. I made sure it was completely Mycroft's responsibility." Sherlock explained with a knowing smile.

If Mycroft was walking her dog, Danielle would give Sherlock her firstborn.

"Feeding them too."

If Mycroft poisoned her dog, Danielle would kill both the Holmes Brothers and earn a knightship.

"I locked my flat." Danielle noted.

Sherlock gave her a look as he buttoned up his purple shirt. A shirt that Danielle hadn't seen before. She couldn't help but notice how tight it looked. She couldn't be blamed she'd been put in his bed so of course her thoughts would go that way!

He had picked the lock.

Danielle was definitely killing him- unfair tight dark purple shirt aside. The fate of Mycroft was still in the air.

Nobody Knows My Heart Like YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ