Grade Three Active

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John and Danielle walked a block away from the buildings. They watched as all the policemen pulled up, along with an ambulance.

Danielle sighed. She leaned against the nearby building they were hiding behind. She was still in shock from what'd happened. Shock, yes. That was a good word for it. She wished she had one of those shock blankets.

"Danielle?" John asked. He looked around the block, hoping that maybe-just maybe- someone who had a better grasp on how to handle people in shock outside of a military situation would come by. He touched her shoulder. She jumped back. "Everything alright?"

"No." She answered. She winced. "No I mean- yes. I'm...not dead, but my head is all over the place. Then again, it's usually all over the place but this is different because how long did you have that gun?"

John winced. He had hoped Danielle wouldn't bring that part up. Or any of it. "Since I left the army."

'And that makes it better?!' "They let you take it home?"



He brought a stolen gun to this...this thing that they were doing. He brought it hours ago, before anything was even this kind of wrong.

A stolen gun, which he used to save Sherlock's life.

And...and now what?

"I think it's been long enough." John suggested.

Danielle nodded. What else could she say? She was definitely going into some kind of shock now.

"Come on then." John slipper his hands into his pockets. He started walking to the police cars.

"J-John?" Danielle called out. John turned around to see Danielle holding out her hand. "Could-could you please just...for a minute?"

He looked down at the extended hand. For a split second, John was worried that Danielle wanted to take the gun from him. But he saw the way she was holding her hand out, palm down. She just wanted to hold his hand.

John accepted the request. Danielle let out a shaking breath when he did so, before bracing herself. She had back on that chipper smile he'd seen, only this one looked much more forced than the others tonight.

"Let's march then."


Danielle walked with John to the police barricade. They could see Sherlock in the distance, an orange blanket wrapped around him.

The sergeant detective, Donovan, spotted them. She walked up to them. Danielle reminded herself to stay cool- that there was no reason she should be flipping out. If she kept cool there would be no trouble.

Course, on TV, this is when something small would happen that made the character jump cartoonishly and in a way that was totally not cool.

Nothing happened though.

Danielle believed she earned a medal for it.

Donovan gave John a knowing look, like she was telling him a secret that only the two of them knew.

Naturally, Danielle was curious.

Donovan walked to them. She kept her narrow glare on John, making sure he saw the message before turning to Danielle. Danielle wondered if Donovan has to work on that look in the mirror or if they taught it in the police academy.

"What happened?" Danielle asked.

"Is he alright?" John asked, pointing with his elbow to Sherlock.

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