Shaking Hands

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Were hands supposed to shake like this?

Her hands were shaking. She had pushed them into her pockets, they were still shaking.

Danielle didn't know if that was normal. Should she be concerned? John's hands weren't shaking. Neither were Sherlock's. Maybe it was odd.

She didn't like that.

The shaking hands.

Danielle also didn't like that she kept seeing Soo Lin. Everywhere she looked, everytime, Soo Lin's body flashed in front of her eyes.

Sherlock and John had brought her to New Scotland Yard. Sherlock had done it mainly to get them to focus on the case. Or maybe they had gone because someone had reported the gunshots. Danielle had no idea. It had gotten blurry after John had found her.

One moment, she was looking at Soo Lin.

The next, she had a styrofoam cup of tea in her hands. She was staring down at it, seeing the reflection lights in the surface. She had been sitting in a chair near Inspector Dimmock's office.

Then she was back with Soo Lin.

Back to the tea.

Soo Lin, with a black lotus origami beside her.

She could see her hair outline in the tea.

Soo Lin was so still...Danielle had never seen anyone so still before.

Her tea was still. Unmoving. Plain black tea. Who gave her this tea? It had gone cold.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She answered it without thinking- assuming in the back of her mind that maybe John was calling to say it was time to go.

"Yes?" She spoke into the phone, still staring down at the tea.

"Danielle! About time!"

It was not John.

Danielle glanced up. Sure enough, Sherlock and John were ranting at Inspector Dimmock. How were they so composed? She knew John had shot people before- shot someone to save Sherlock- he hadn't freaked out then. Being involved in a gun fight was probably standard for him. Sherlock was a bit more wild card. Wasn't that just him to a T?

This voice was familiar.

"Hey Felix." Danielle greeted. To her ears, her voice sounded so flat. She forced it to sound brighter, more upbeat. "How's the day been?"

"I'll tell you how my day's been!"

That voice did not sound upbeat. Or bright. It sounded mad.

Danielle didn't like it when Felix sounded mad.

Soo Lin had sounded so defeated...speaking to her into her fate...

"You made Paul bloody mad! He said you butted in to his life, made it worse! And he blamed me for it! Starting yelling at me because of what you did!"

Danielle had told her. Told her what John had said. They had to hide. They had to- they couldn't-

"I had to." She replied, monotone.

"No you didn't!" Felix snapped. Danielle winced. "I asked you not to do it! Why did you?! Everything was fine! I was fine!"

Soo Lin walked to her death, greeting it like an old friend.

Danielle was not fine.

She sniffled, feeling overwhelming grief come over her. She sunk out of her chair. The cup of tea fell out of her hands, splashing down on the ground and her clothes. She couldn't see them. She could only see Soo Lin. See her brother standing over her- afraid she'd be next.

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