Dial L For Lixxy

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Danielle didn't often talk to her siblings. Not from lack of want, or anything similar, just lack of focus. She would almost call them, before being distracted by her pets or something on TV.

But this time, she refused to be distracted.

She really, really wanted this phone call.

Because she hadn't talked to this person since Christmas- that was way too long.

Danielle realized quickly that she was going to psyche herself out if she wasn't careful. She grabbed her phone, quickly calling the number.

He answered just before the dial tone would've kicked in.

"Danielle!" A male voice greeted in full joy. "How've you been? Has it really been a month?"

"Can't believe it either." Danielle laughed. She relaxed on her couch, relieved at the sound of his voice. Erika hopped on, so Danielle held the phone up. "Hold on, Lix, Erika wants to say hi."

Her brother squealed loudly. Thankfully Danielle had pulled the phone away. She hit speaker as the squealing stopped.

"Hi Erika!" Her brother greeted. The dog barked, tail wagging as she recognized the voice. "Did you miss me?" The dog barked again. He laughed in response. "No offense, but I love that dog more than I love you."

Danielle laughed. "Good. She's perfect. So Felix, how is uni treating my kid brother?"

"Well my friends that I had at Christmas are still my friends despite all the cards you sent out. The classes haven't killed me but they've given it their best." Felix replied. Danielle leaned back on the couch, Erika snuggling against her stomach. She let out an 'oomph' at the weight.  She scratched Erika's back all the same. "There's this gorgeous bloke two floors down. My type and breed."

"You care about breeding?" Danielle asked in confusion. Her brother hadn't cared much for the class of a person, not unless they were assholes.

"Care about being bred." Felix corrected.

Danielle made a noise of compliant. She'd walked into that, she realized belatedly. "Eww. I hate you."

"Don't worry, sis. One day, when you're older, you'll understand." Felix teased.

"Shut up and die." Danielle argued. Felix chuckled at her expense. "You know I worry. I'm allowed to have concern for my brother."

"You're such a den mother." Felix teased.

"I'm not." Danielle whined. Erika barked. If one didn't know better they'd say she was laughing at her owner. "Jeez I hate you."

"Then why do you rent out your home to other people?" Felix countered, smug.

"Because I'm a landlady. That's what we do. And it's not my flat, it's the flats above my flat." Danielle argued.

"Right. Of course. Silly me." Felix teased. Danielle rolled her eyes (grateful that Felix couldn't see her fond grin). "So how are the people living in your den?"

"I'm gonna kill you one of these days." Danielle mused. She brushed on Erika's back again. "You hear that, Erika? I'm gonna kill Uncle Lixxy someday."

"You wish."

"Every night before I go to bed." Danielle replied.

"But seriously. How are they? Your flats?"

"Good...good. Well as good as they can be, you know. I need someone in 223b." Danielle admitted, blowing out a long sigh. "Maybe in C too if she has another session of hate sex on her floor."

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