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She woke up to her phone going off.

Kirk to Enterprise. Kirk to Enterprise?

She yelped as she woke up, startling the dog that had fallen asleep in her room.

She brushed out the tiredness from her eyes. A quick check of the clock showed it was close to nine AM.

Danielle groaned, flopping back against the bed.

Someone had better be dying

If so, then it'd better be Sherlock texting me.

Danielle moved her hand towards her phone. She was met with a loud clattering of noise. Yep. It fell to the floor.

She answered the phone to find instead of Sherlock a text from Felix. Apparently, he had something to say. Danielle hadn't heard him leave the night before but she reckoned he had classes to attend, so that made sense.

Another text came in.

'Did you know you're in a blog?'


Someone knocked on the door.

Danielle jumped, clutching her phone to her chest. After pausing a minute to breath, she went to check who was there. She peeled through the eyehole. She was feeling justifiably paranoid. It didn't help that she had just texted Sherlock and John, thus seemingly like a poorly timed joke from the universe.

She looked in the peephole, ignoring her own mind. It kept putting up 'what if' ideas that just didn't need to exist. What if it was General Shen? What if it was a ninja that wanted vengeance for the arrests? What if it was someone new that saw Danielle's texts to them then decided to kill her to eliminate any possible witnesses to a crime? What if it was someone holding a gun? What if...what if...what if?

Her overactive imagination was proven at the other side. It was only Jim.

With a relieved exhale, Danielle unlocked the door. She opened the door to greet him with an at-ease smile. She couldn't believe her mind had thought there was danger, it was always so active after a bad night. "Hi Jim."

"Hi." Jim waved his fingers at Danielle, making her smile wide. Jim always had just the right joke to make stuff funny, to make Danielle more at ease. That had been one of the big reasons for letting him move in so fast. "Sorry, just wanted to drop these off." He handed over a sheet of paper.

Danielle accepted it. The document was just a formality, full of references for Jim including the last place he lived and where he worked.

"You work at Bart's?" Danielle read.

"Yeah.The position opened up after I arrived." Jim replied with an eager smile. "Met a girl there too."

"Oh! How lucky!" Danielle praised. "You should bring her by! If it's serious, I mean."

"It's really serious." Jim nodded, with a fake dramatic voice.

The two said their goodbyes. As Danielle closed and locked the door, her phone chirped. It was John's personalized ringtone, a TARDIS noise cause he was a doctor. 'Out at work' the text read.

Danielle blew out a sigh. She figured Sherlock wouldn't be dragging them out on any cases-

Her phone chirped the TARDIS noise again.

'Sherlock's on a case. Handling it alone- insisted it wasn't that big.'

Danielle appreciated the forethought in that. Still, she had less than happy feelings about John texting her. Especially after she read some of the blog...

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