Chapter 11: LA Is Not for Me!

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Josiah desperately wanted to get his family away so we drove their house to get them to the airport asap. James and Joseph went to book is a room at the Four Seasons Hotel. When we had arrived at Josiah's parents house, we got out of our car and knocked on their door. It took a while for them to answer but they answered.
"Hello Josiah. How are you and who's your friend here?" Asked Josiah's mum.
"Hi mum it's nice to see you. I'm fine and this is my good friend Michael. We have got tickets for you and the others to go to France. I know you've always wanted to go so nows your chance." Josiah W's happy but nervous on the inside.
"Oh my. I need to pack. Hang on a second. Honey! Josiah just gave us tickets to go to France. Get here and say hello!" Josiah's mum was so happy. His dad however wanted to stay.
"Hi Josiah. Thanks for the tickets but no thanks. I'm not going." That ruined the moment.
"Come on dad. Mum has always wanted to go. Why have you go to be so rude?" Josiah was disappointed with his father. He always spoils the moment.
"Josiah, your hiding something from me and I want to know what!" Josiah's father was on to us. He was definitely on to us. Maybe if I can talk to him alone. Yeah that's a good idea.
"Err.....hi. I'm Michael. Can I see you for a minute?
"Yeah sure come in," replied Josiah's father. I walked into the house. Josiah was talkingto his mum outside.
"So what is going on? I know this not just for fun so spill the beans!" He demanded.
"A mad Professor who has super powers has been destroying cities and LA is next. We need to get you to safety. Please don't tell anyone. It must be kept a secret!" I tried not to cause a panic.
"I understand. I'll start packing. Anyway, France is lovely this time of year. Tell my wife we need to pack."
"I will. Thanks for understanding."
"No worries." I left the house and Josiah's parents left to the airport.
"Now let's get to the hotel," I aid to Josiah.

7 minutes later

"What did you want to talk to my dad about?" Josiah asked annoyed.
"He knew something was up. I told him what was happening and he promised to keep it a secret."
"Your so stupid. My dad keeps no secret."
"Crap! How was I supposed to know? Let's just get to the hotel!" I was now annoyed with myself.

The next day

It was quiet. Too quiet. Nothing was happening. We had all decided to go to the Six Flags Theme Park. We spent tons of money and rides were amazing. It had been like this for about four weeks. Then one day, we went to a restaurant. We had ordered our meals and we was listening to the radio. All of a sudden the radio went from a channel to a strange man speaking. He said,
"People of the world. Surly by now you have seen the destruction I have caused. It will continue unless you bow down to me. Choose. If you bow down to me then you will be speared. If not, then you die! The world has a choice. A starting with LA! Hahaha!"
"O...k..... that was unexpected," said James.
"We have to suit up and evacuate LA immediately." I was ready to stop him once and for all. I knew people would still die but there was no stopping hat with the Professor the way he is.

3 hours later

Everywhere you turned people were running and screaming. The five of us helping evacuate until the Professor came. There was so many people. Prisoners being evacuated on school buses. Families driving out of the city in cars. The only problem was traffic. Superstars being flown out by helicopters and jets. Everywhere was havoc. Then, all of a sudden, skyscrapers started to blow up. It was the Professor. He was here and was attacking like crazy.
"Guys let the police deal with the people. We need to defend the town." I said.

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