Chapter 5: Over Powered!

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"Josiah, I need you to use wind to push the Professor away from the city." I commanded.
"Michael look out!" James yelled. He shot vines to pull me back as the Professor was shooting electric sparks at me. Water and electricity to not mix.
"Thanks James. You saved my ass."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Don't forget we need to knock him out. If we destroy him Josh will be destroyed too." James was right, but it was a mission that needed hope. I managed to make it rain when he shot fireballs so it would create less damage. All of a sudden, James, Joseph and I were knocked flying into buildings by fireballs. James was bleeding and couldn't feel his arm. Joseph was angry and sent black flames at the Professor. I was trapped under loads of rubble and I knew my water wouldn't do anything.
"Hahaha. Admit it. You are defeated. Your weak and worthless. Surrender or watch the city burn! Hahaha!" The
Professor shouted. Josiah was nowhere to be seen neither was Cameron. Joseph was getting ready to shoot another fireball at the Professor, James couldn't feel his arm at all. He thinks it may be broken, and I am trapped under the bricks of the building.
"Michael what do we do now? He can kill you and me right now!" James was scared, I could tell.
"We have to surrender. The lives of this city are in our hands. The Professor is right, we need to learn more about our powers but until then, we must surrender." James looked at me in a crazy way. He didn't want to surrender but he knew we all had to. Behind the Professor was Cameron and Josiah. The Professor could sense this and shot two fireballs at them. They both were knocked down to the ground.
"So what is your choice? Surrender or die," the Professor asked.
"We surrender. Only for the lives of the people who live here. You will be stopped." I said angrily. I had a bad feeling about this.
"Good choice." The Professor spawned fifteen demons to take us all away. Three demons per hero. I could tell something bad was happening.
"You know I should have said earlier, but either option would burn this city down. Destroy it!" The Professor spawned in more demons and ordered them to destroy the city.
"Noooooooooo!" I shouted. We had failed.

2 hours later

We was in a place we didn't want to be. Our hands were tied behind our backs, we were sent out of our hero suits and the Professor took the gems. We were captured and I made a really bad call.
"Ah, look who we have here. I bet your regretting your choice. I've decided to keep you alive for a bit longer. Later today you'll be executed. I can't wait!" The Professor went on and on.
"You sick psycho. What do you expect to get out of killing people and destroying cities? Huh?" I was really angry and also scared. Everyone was.
"I don't want anything out of it. I just want to be feared. I want to take things away from those who took things away from me. And when I say things I mean lives!" The Professor was driving me crazy. We needed to escape but how? I wonder if our powers still work without holding the gem. I had no idea but it was worth a shot. Here goes nothing.

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