Chapter 8: Black Tie Fight!

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"So what your saying is you went to the market and saw a black tie event poster all about science and you think Professor Flam is going to attend? Josiah, do you know how crazy that sounds? Do you have the poster?" I honestly thought Josiah was mad until he showed me the poster. I took it from his hands. He was telling the truth.
"See. I'm not crazy!" I think I made Josiah upset.
"I'm sorry. Oh by the way, here's your gem" I put my hand in my pocket, pulled out the white and green gems, have Josiah his white gem and handed James his green gem.
"Just saying but I think Josiah could be right. I mean who knows what inventions the Professor has. He may has one that will kill everyone there. That's why we have to go." James wanted to go as much as Josiah did.
"James are you sure your up to this?" I asked. I mean he jas a false arm and he only got out of hospital yesterday.
"I'm fine. I've learned how to use the arm so I'll be ok." James was full of excitement.
"Joe, who's the girl?" Joe looked at me confused and steed to stutter over his words.
"W-w-what g-g-girl?" Joe started to blush.
"Joseph, tour flames are pink and pink means love. So who's the girl?" I put him in an awkward spot.
"What time is the acl tie event?" Joe changed the subject.
"It's 5:52 pm now so about 3 hours and 38 minutes from now." I said.
"9:30 pm! No I can't." Something started bothering Cameron and I was curious to find out what.
"What's wrong Cameron?" I asked.
"Tomorrow I've been told to fly back to Brazil at 6:30 am and I need sleep."
"Why do you need to fly back?" Asked Joseph.
"My parents called and when Brazil was attacked by the Professor, he killed my dad and it's his funeral tomorrow at 5:30 pm." Cameron started to cry aa he explained.
"Cameron will stay here and pack his things. I'm sorry for your loss. The rest of us will find the Professor and stop him once and for all. Understand?!?!" I got angry that we were one less.

3 hours and 41 minutes later

"Come on we're late!" I kept on nagging the others to hurry up. We arrived at the town square and there was Professor Flam with a bunch of other scientists with inventions.
"Now rememeber, don't let him notice you until he attacks." I was anxious. We can't let him get away.
"Ladies and gentlemen, our first scientist of the evening, Professor Flam." The host introduced him to the audience and the Professor started talking.
"Good evening, I am Professor Flam. I have invented a machine so brilliant it will blow your minds." He went on and on and revealed his invention.
"Guys, cover up your ears. Now!" I had a feeling I knew what the machine did.
"All I have to do is press this button and pull this lever and bam. It works. Let's try it. So I press this button and pull this lever and..." a screeching sound burst through the audience and the peoples mind blew up.
"Guys transform. Gem Activate!" I turned into my water hero and ran onto the stage.
"Ha, I can do that too you know. Gem Activate!" The Professor turned into his demon form and a fight went down. Demons came from all directions.
"I think I'll kill the water element first because he's been getting on my nerves the most!" He shot fireballs at me and a dodged them all. Then I used my water cannon yo knock him back so I can use my water cannon again to knock him out. Then we can rescue Josh's spirit.
"I'll never give up again! And that's a promise!" I said.
"Well maybe you should. I forgot to say, England is next. Hahaha!" BOOM! A huge explosion knocked us all back and in a flash, the Professor was gone.
"God damn it! He's killed more people and we failed again!" I punched a wall and left a big hole in it.
"He may of won the battle, but the war is still to be won." James always calms me down.
"That's not the point though. James your family live in England, my brother lives in England and the Professor is going to England. We have to get there now," I said. We drove back to Madrid International Airport and took Cameron's friend's jet to England, where we would find the Professor.

Elemental Issues!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ