Edward nods, "He's been calling twice a day."

"He's in pretty rough shape," Jacob states.

Carlisle speaks up, "Eventually, we'll have to tell him you both didn't make it."

Edward turns to Bella and I, "He needs to mourn."

I sigh, "okay."

Bella nods, "we'll do it tomorrow."

"I'm gonna miss this place," Emmett states, standing up.

Carlisle sighs, "We'll come back. We always do."

Jacob stops eating and turns to us, "Wait. Nobody said anything about leaving."

Carlisle breathes in, "Once people believe Bella and Emily are dead, we can't risk anyone seeing them."

Jacob scoffs, "So you just disappear?"

"Jacob, we don't have another choice," Edward informs him.

I look at Jacob sympathetically.

»»-----------------~~~<>~~~ -----------------««

Jacob returns a little while later, telling us that he told Charlie about himself and that both Bella and I are okay.

"Look, I solved a problem. You were leaving. What did you expect me to do?" Jacob asks.

I growl at him, "You don't realize the danger you've put him in."

"The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us," Bella states.

Jacob shakes his head, "No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I only said you were different."

Edward, "And that we have a niece who we adopted."

"Right and I adopted a little boy," I state.

"I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go," Bella yells at him pissed.

"Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella and Emily through?" Edward asks, "It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down their throat. And that's assuming they can control their thirst."

Jacob stares at me and Bella, "Look, Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life."

Edward scoffs, "Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself."

Jacob turns to him, "Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes."

"What?" Me and Bella shout in sync.

I stand up, "for fuck sake."

Bella follows me inside.

"What the bloody hell are we gonna do?" I ask her.

She shrugs and drags me into the living room.

Emily Swan✨Breaking Dawn Pt 2✨Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now