Chapter 16- Hogo-sha of Bosco

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Hisui pov 

It's been a day since Erza was attacked and we figured out our plan that if I'm correct will take place in a week. The GMGs aren't on today because tomorrow is the last day.

After I went back to the palace yesterday, my father told me that now because I'm 17 I have to be married by the time I'm 18. So today people from around the kingdom and beyond have come here.

Basically, one by one they come in; I get to know them for as long as I want then if it's a no they leave if it's a yes it depends how long I stay with them.

I'm now in the throne room, waiting to decline some stupid boys' proposal. 

Around 253 princes or other high up men came in and I declined all of them until it was his turn.

He came in after the last one was declined. He had brown hair and brown eyes and tanned skin. 

"My name is Hogo-sha of Bosco." he informed me. Then he started talking about random things, and when he noticed I was just looking at him he blushed dark red.

"Shall we go on a walk?"I said stepping up from my throne and taking his hand."We shall." he said lacing his fingers with mine.

"To be honest, I really don't want to get married," he said truthfully, "but if it's you I don't mind." he added while putting a flower in my hair. I giggled.

That was when I realized that within 17 short minutes that I'd fallen in love with Hogo-sha of Bosco.

Hogo-sha pov
When I walked into the throne room I was dreading it. I don't want to get married to some stuck up princess.

I enter the room to see princess Hisui. 

She is absolutely beautiful, she has green hair and green eyes. She looks bored out of her skull though.

"My name is Hogo-sha of Bosco." I told her. Then I started talking about random things, and when I noticed that she was just looking at me, I blushed red.

Noticing my embarrassment she said stepping up from her throne and taking my hand, "Shall we go on a walk?"
"We shall." I said lacing my fingers with hers.

We started to walk around the palace gardens.

"To be honest, I really don't want to get married," I said truthfully, "but if it's you I don't mind." I added with a smile.

We then started talking about ourselves. "I have 6 older brothers." I say and she tells me she has no siblings.

"I am a fourth generation galaxy dragon slayer." I tell her.
"I am a celestial spirit mage." she says

We keep telling each other things about ourselves like this until we get to some trees at the end of the gardens.

I think I love this girl. I don't know why but I do. She is just the sound to my music.

We stop at a tree and I get down on one knee in front of her and say,"Will you marry me?"

Hisui pov
We stopped at the tree furthest from the palace. He got down on one knee in front of me and proposed.

"Yes." I said pulled him up from the ground and kissed him on the lips.

We may have only met once but I still love him.

Just then I hear a branch snapping. 

Lucy. Yukino. Natsu. Sting. 

All of them smiling creepily.

Lucy and Yukino pounced on me and started squealing when we hit the floor.

Now I know how Lucy felt when we did this to her last time.

Lucy speaks first. "We were just going to get you for training, but it seems your a little busy." 
"So now you're both training with us." Yukino says.

I mouth,'I'm sorry' to him.

We all got up and then Yukino said. "We will meet you there, so bye." she said opening a portal.  

Hogo-sha opened his mouth to say he didn't know where he was going but I told him to just follow Sting and Natsu.

They started running as we went through the portal.

Lucy pov
Hogo-sha seemed quite nice, he is perfect for Hisui.

"How long were you guys listening for?" Hisui asked.

"Me and Lucy were there since he came into the throne room, and Sting and Natsu were there since the tree because they followed us again." she blushed after Yukino said that. 

"So you love him?" I say then she once again looks at me shocked, "we were also reading your mind, plus we could have guessed that from your smile." 

Once again she blushes then glares daggers at me. I smile sweetly.

We go into my mansion and head straight down to the kitchen to cook, since the boys will be hungry when they get here.

We make a soup,and once it's done we turn the fire off and go up stairs to the library. They sit down while I go to find a book to tell me about 4th generation dragon slayers.

I find one and start to read it. 

It says that fourth generation dragon slayers were also trained by dragons, but they were taken as babies by the dragons and returned on the date 7/7/x 777. There is a total of 6 of them on earth land. 

I close the book and put it back on the shelf and then I go and sit with the girls. 

"When will the boys get here?" Yukino says impatiently. 

"Well they have to go through certain challenges to get here and it's already been half an hour, so I say give them five minutes before we start a search party." I say.

"Aren't we supposed to be training?" Hisui asked

"Well, the boys are training and we have to wait until they get back and the stars come out." I reply.

The boys get here and we all go to the kitchen and eat the soup we made earlier. We all eat and then go back into the library. 

"If you break anything in here, I will kill you." I warn them.

"Luce," Natsu says and I look at him, "why did you do that to us?" 

"To test your ability." I say without looking at him.

Just then our bracelets start pulsing signalling that the demons are close. I look at Yukino and Hisui and they have the same confused and panicked expressions on they're faces.

We looked out the widow and there was a large group of all kinds of demons surrounding the house. 

Thank you so much for reading. 

I hope you enjoyed chapter 16.



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