Chapter 14- Lucy (and Natsu) vs Yukino (and Sting)

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Hope you enjoy this chapter. Let's begin.......

Lucy pov
We met up with Erza and the others at the arena. Today was the second day at the GMGs. On the leader board nothing had changed, except instead of no points we had 10, the demons had 11 points Sabertooth also had 10 points and then it went on with everyone else having a two or one point difference between them and the team next to them.

Today was double battles. It would simply be two people from a guild against another two people from another guild that battled for however long it took them.

Since they seem to love long battles it was me and Natsu against Yukino and Sting. We walked out into the arena. Facing each other me and Yukino went over the rules we set ourselves. We looked at Hisui from where she was watching and she seemed nodded as if to say good luck.

After the count of three the match began. We all non-verbally decided that it was going to be me vs Yukino and Natsu vs Sting. Sting can participate in the games because he is counted as their step-in master rather than their real one. I started by summoning Gemini, instead of turning into me they turned into Yukino. Yukino seemed to try and understand what I was doing as she summoned Libra. Me and Yukino physically thought for about two minutes until we were thrown back by the impact of Sting and Natsu's attacks.

By then the earth was partially broken and then Libra changed the gravity for the earth. Pieces of earth were floating about when I got Gemini to force Libra's gate closed. Afterwards Gemini went back as well. Yukino summoned the thirteenth gate and Pisces while I summoned Aquarius and Scorpio, probably one of my biggest mistakes. The only way Aquarius was able to stay was because of my water slaying magic.

Aquarius hit Pisces since their weakness is water and Scorpio hit the thirteenth gate with a very strong technique, it sent both of them back to the spirit world. Scorpio left straight after but before Aquarius left she hit both Natsu and Sting knocking them out and unable to fight. Poor them.

We continued the fight with our physical strengths. Instead of summoning I got my whip out. We fought for a long time without summoning. That was until they said we only had half an hour left, if we didn't get a clear winner it would be a draw since it was almost time for the end of the day.

At the same time we summoned all our Zodiac Keys. It was a spell we only practiced once, since it completely drained us of energy. It could male one of us loose since it just takes up too much power. It also doubled up as a tracking spell or a purifying spell.

In the end the time was up and we stopped halfway through it, which is good 'cause it's also a attacking spell that would destroy the arena. We dragged Natsu and Sting into Fairy Tail's abandoned infirmary, then we healed them and watched them peacefully sleep.

It was the end of the day and we left them there. We walked and talked until we got to our meeting point where Mavis and Hisui were already waiting for us. Mavis told as much information on the demons as she could.

It was late when I got back to the inn everyone already asleep, or at least that's what I thought but really Natsu was awake. I explained briefly about what happened after Aquarius knocked them out.

We talked and then thought it was time to go and sleep, so we parted ways. I hopped into bed and it was long before I fell fast asleep.


Sorry this chapter is bad and short. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed chapter 14.

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