Chapter 7- The realms of the fey

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Lucy pov
We landed in the fey realms by a tree which I guessed was the transportation area. We were greeted by many fey. They could not lie but they were good with playing with words. There were: fairies, mermaids, pixies, nymphs and many other creatures.

They showed us to are rooms, they were decorated with the same patterns as the other two realms. We settled down and then went into the main hall where we got our time tables. They explained that the time was the same as it was on earthland. They also explained that we would train with all the fey creatures of a certain element at one time; they explained just about everything we needed to know.

In the first month, I trained with the water fey. They taught me how to attack something with water in the shape of wings and other significant shapes. They taught me how to block attacks with water; they taught me how to make it rain like how Juvia did but not controlled by emotion.  I miss Juvia. I miss Fairy Tail.  Anyway, they taught me how to do so many things with ice, usual water and boiling water that I am in awe every time I think about the spells.

In the next month when I trained with the moon fey. I learned so much from my wise teachers: for example I learned how to create a  stronger glamour, I also learnt how to block attacks with moonlight. They even taught me how to make a solar beam that could be seen from Edolas which is the furthest realm. They did try to trick me a few times but they are still awesome teachers.

Yukino pov
Once I had finished settling into my room, I quickly met up with Hisui and Lucy just outside our rooms. Together, we went to the main hall where all we needed to know was explained to us in brief detail.

With in the month and a half, I trained with them I learnt so many new things. For example I was taught how to control trees, flowers and really anything that has a root. I was taught how to quicken or slow down the pace of growing things like  if an apple was growing slowly  I could make it ripen in seconds. Now I can control fallen leaves and petals to such a standard that they can become either new flowers or something like a bow and arrow.

For the rest of the time in the realm, I was shown how to form a catapult, a boomerang and various other thing that could be used as a weapon. I was taught how to divide the ground and how to repair divided ground. And other things that should be useful in due course.

Hisui pov
After settling in I met Yukino and Lucy just outside our rooms. We went to the main hall where we found out what we were going to do for these 3 months.

First I was with the time fey. They taught me how to do so much with time like how to see memories of the past, present and future.

When I moved on and it was time to be with the sound fey, I was taught a lot. For example they showed me how to deafen someone with sound.

Lucy pov
Since we had come to the end of our training, we gathered our things and headed to the main hall once again. We were presented with 7 throwing daggers each. We bid our farewells then we headed out to the transportation area. I chanted the spell in my head as I threw one of the daggers.

Then we went back to the Celestial Spirit World...

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