Chapter seven ⭐✳✴

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" Little had I knew that If we weren't humans , I would've been the star and she would've been the black hole
She would've been that unknown disturbance that would engulf you all to the infinity
; where time , matter and spacetime had no value .

I were existence and she was the void . "


I don't know when did we decide this or if we even decided it , but somehow we ended up meeting everyday at the rooftop at 10 pm , 10 pm was our time , 10 pm is when I consider the start of the day , I think it has been two months since I met Katrina , we go up there stargaze , talk about crazy theories and speak out our real opinions .

during the time I spent with her , I knew that she shares the same despise I have for this house , for Katrina , the mother of this house , for every rule they put to imprison us , no matter how many words they say to sugarcoat the reasons of these rules

it is imprisonment

let me enlighten you a little about this orphanage , it is not normal , not your typical orphanage .

no they don't violently abuse us but mentally , I can assure to everyone that we all are sick here , sick in a very scary way , and after meeting Katrina I will tell you that the Gammas aren't the mentally ill thugs , they are just people who realized that this is wrong , that we deserve to live , to make mistakes and learn from them , not just watch the world from a far , we deserve to have a proper communication with people who experienced "the world"

Ladies and gentlemen , we are imprisoned

How ?

well , let me tell you a story , the story they told us when we started talking and thinking about the world ,

Once upon a time , there was a good French woman called Katrina , she was from a big noble family , she was very wealthy that she manged to buy an entire forest just for herself , at Réunion island , far away from the "Europe's sins" and from the "African's epidemics" and well the " disturbance in France" since she was close to the common people , close enough to predict that something would happen soon , something like a revolution , at 1729 she already gave up all her wealth for the sake of protecting the lost family-less children , she devoted her life then to us , she was said to be very pretty and fair , she had everything but she gave up everything for us .

this seems very sweet , right , a wealthy hottie who choose to save the kids instead of living her life like the other women at her age , she never got married , she never brought wine to the house , she gave up all there welfare for the sake of the children ,

so why do I hate her this much ?

"why do you hate her so much tho , Lucian ?" asked Katrina , who was keeping my company while I was gazing at somewhere in this wide forest

"because she took away our freedom , she may seem good , but she's a total psycho"

YES SHE IS , because in spite of all the good stuff she did - or at least told us she did - she made this sick rules

you see , after the french revolution , lots of corruption happened and there was many major changes that happened to the political system , she somehow managed to persuade the government to send 40 babies that their parents abandoned each 10 years , to our faraway island , away from all the changes that happened to world , she build massive walls to protect her property , us , from the corruption of the outside world .

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